Area-Delay-Power Efficient Carry-Select Adder Abstract?In this brief, the logic operations involved in conventional carry select adder (CSLA) and binary to excess-1 converter (BEC)-based CSLA are analyzed to study the data dependence and to identify redundant logic operations. We have eliminated all the redundant logic operations present in the conventional CSLA and proposed a new logic…
Artificial bee colony algorithm for solving multi-objective optimal power flow problem Abstract?A new and efficient method for solving optimal power flow (OPF) problem in electric power systems. In the proposed approach, artificial bee colony < Final Year Projects 2016 > ABC algorithm is employed as the main optimizer for optimal adjustments of the power system…
Artificial Intelligence-Based Student Learning Evaluation: A Concept Map-Based Approach for Analyzing a Student?s Understanding of a Topic Abstract?Artificial Intelligence-Based Student Learning Evaluation: A Concept Map-Based Approach for Analyzing a Student?s Understanding we describe a tool coined as artificial intelligence-based student learning evaluation tool (AISLE). The main purpose of this tool is to improve the use…
Associate Cable tv operators usingandroid Abstract?With the rapid development of IPTV technologies, traditional cable TV operators are facing fierce competitions from telecom operators who are gradually adopting the IPTV technology step by step. On the other hand, < Final Year Projects > cable TV operators are also on the way to become triple-play service operators….
Attribute-based Access Control with Constant-size Ciphertext in Cloud Computing Abstract? With the popularity of cloud computing, there have been increasing concerns about its security and privacy. Since the cloud computing environment is distributed and untrusted, data owners have to encrypt outsourced data to enforce confidentiality. Therefore, how to achieve practicable access control of encrypted data…
Attribute-based Access Control with Constant-size Ciphertext in Cloud Computing Abstract? With the popularity of cloud computing, there have been increasing concerns about its security and privacy. Since the cloud computing environment is distributed and untrusted, data owners have to encrypt outsourced data to enforce confidentiality. Therefore, how to achieve practicable access control of encrypted data…
Audit-Free Cloud Storage via Deniable Attribute-based Encryption Abstract? Cloud storage services have become increasingly popular. Because of the importance of privacy, many cloud storage encryption schemes have been proposed to protect data from those who do not have access. All such schemes assumed that cloud storage providers are safe and cannot be hacked; however, in…
Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols for Parallel Network File Systems Abstract? Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols for Parallel Network File Systems. We study the problem of key establishment for secure many-to-many communications. The problem is inspired by the proliferation of large-scale distributed ?le systems supporting parallel access to multiple storage devices. Our work focuses on the current…
Authenticated Subgraph Similarity Search in Outsourced Graph Databases Abstract?Subgraph similarity search is used in graph databases to retrieve graphs whose subgraphs are similar to a given query graph. It has been proven successful in a wide range of applications including bioinformatics and chem-informatics, etc. Due to the cost of providing efficient similarity search services on…
Auto emergency alert using android Abstract?In the real world, patient has to be monitored by the person present in the home or by the helpers. There is no automatic alerting system being implemented so far. In this paper, the condition of the Patient is fully monitored with the help of Micro-Electro Mechanical System (MEMS), Heart…
Automated Vessel Segmentation Using Infinite Perimeter Active Contour Model with Hybrid Region Information with Application to Retinal Images Abstract? Automated detection of blood vessel structures is becoming of crucial interest for better management of vascular disease. In this paper, we propose a new in?nite active contour model that uses hybrid region information of the image…
Automatic Change Analysis in Satellite Images Using Binary Descriptors and Lloyd?Max Quantization Abstract? Automatic Change Analysis in Satellite Images Using Binary Descriptors and Lloyd?Max Quantization. A novel technique for un-supervised change analysis that leads to a method of ranking the changes that occur between two satellite images acquired at dif-ferent moments of time. The proposed…