An efficient tree-based algorithm for mining sequential patterns with multiple Abstract? Mining frequent sequences is a step in the sequential patterns discovering, and sequential patterns mining is an important area of research in the field of data mining. If we use the traditional algorithms such as Apriori or GSP algorithm to discover the sequential patterns…
An Efficient VLSI Architecture of a Reconfigurable Pulse-Shaping FIR Interpolation Filter for Multistandard DUC Abstract? An Efficient VLSI Architecture of a Reconfigurable Pulse-Shaping FIR Interpolation Filter for Multistandard DUC. A two-step optimization technique for designing a recon?gurable VLSI architecture of an interpolation ?lter for multistandard digital up converter (DUC) to reduce the power and area…
An Embedded Real-Time Finger-Vein Recognition System for Mobile Devices Abstract?The development of consumer electronics, the demand for simple, convenient, and high-security authentication systems for protecting private information stored in mobile devices has steadily increased. In consideration of emerging requirements for information protection, biometrics, which uses human physiological or behavioral features for personal identification, has been…
An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Techniques Abstract? An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Techniques. Extending the keyword search paradigm to relational data has been an active area of research within the database and IR community during the past decade. Many approaches have been proposed, but despite numerous publications, there remains…
An Energy-Balanced Routing Method Based on Forward-Aware Factor for Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract? As an important part of industrial application (IA), the wireless sensor network (WSN) has been an active research area over the past few years. Due to the limited energy and communication ability of sensor nodes, it seems especially important to design a…
An Energy-Ef?cient Mobile-Sink Path Selection Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract? Several studies have demonstrated the bene?ts of using a mobile sink to reduce the energy consumption of nodes and to prevent the formation of energy holes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, these bene?ts are dependent on the path taken by the mobile sink,…
An Energy-Ef?cient Mobile-Sink Path Selection Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract? Several studies have demonstrated the bene?ts of using a mobile sink to reduce the energy consumption of nodes and to prevent the formation of energy holes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, these bene?ts are dependent on the path taken by the mobile sink,…
An Energy-Efficient L2 Cache Architecture UsingWay Tag Information Under Write-Through Policy Abstract-An Energy-Efficient L2 Cache Architecture UsingWay Tag Information Under Write-Through Policy. Many high-performance microprocessors employ cache write-through policy for performance improvement and at the same time achieving good tolerance to soft errors in on-chip caches. However, write-through policy also incurs large energy overhead due…
An Enhanced Fuzzy Similarity Based Concept Mining Model for Text Classification Using Feature Clustering Abstract? An Enhanced Fuzzy Similarity Based Concept Mining Model for Text Classification Using Feature Clustering. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File…
An Enhanced K-Means and ANOVA-Based Clustering Approach for Similarity Aggregation in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract? Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have recently been proposed as a way to observe and explore aquatic environments. Sensors in such networks are used to perform pollution monitoring, disaster prevention, or assisted navigation and to send monitored data to…
An Enterprise Ontology-Based Approach to Service Specification Abstract? the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) and Universal Description Discovery Integration (UDDI) standards arose as ad hoc standards for the definition of service interfaces and service registries. However, even together these standards do not provide enough basis for a service consumer to get a full understanding of…
An equalised global graphical model-based approach for multi-camera object tracking Abstract? Multi-camera non-overlapping visual object tracking system typically consists of two tasks: single camera object tracking and inter-camera object tracking. Since the state-of-theart approaches are yet not perform perfectly in real scenes, the errors in single camera object tracking module would propagate into the module…