An Autonomic Approach toRisk-Aware Data Center Overbooking Abstract?An Autonomic Approach toRisk-Aware Data Center Overbooking. Elasticity is a key characteristic of cloud computing that increases the flexibility for cloud consumers, allowing them to adapt the amount of physical resources associated to their services over time in an on-demand basis. However, elasticity creates problems for cloud providers…
An Efficient and Robust Addressing Protocol for Node Autoconfiguration in Ad Hoc Networks Abstract?Address assignment is a key challenge in ad hoc networks due to the lack of infrastructure.< Final Year Project > Autonomous addressing protocols require a distributed and self-managed mechanism to avoid address collisions in a dynamic network with fading channels, frequent partitions,…
An Efficient and Secure Dynamic Auditing Protocol for Data Storage in Cloud Computing Abstract? In cloud computing, data owners host their data on cloud servers and users (data consumers) can access the data from cloud servers. Due to the data outsourcing, however, this new paradigm of data hosting service also introduces new security challenges, which…
An Efficient Automated System for Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy from Fundus Images Using Support Vector Machine and Bayesian Classifiers Abstract?An Efficient Automated System for Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy from Fundus Images Using Support Vector Machine and Bayesian Classifiers. The preliminary signs of diabetic retinopathy include micro aneurysms, haemorrhages and exudates. Early < Final Year Projects...
An Efficient Distributed Trust Model for Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract? Trust models have been recently suggested as an effective security mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks WSNs. < Final Year Projects 2016 > Considerable research has been done on modeling trust. However, most current research works only take communication behavior into account to calculate sensor nodes?…
An efficient Facial Features extraction Technique for Face Recognition system Using Local Binary Patterns Abstract?Face expression recognition is a typical task to make human and machine interaction possible. Besides this, medical science and other applications demand for such system. This paper focusses on importance of face detection and its feature parts.< Final Year Project >…
An Efficient File Hierarchy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme in Cloud Computing Abstract? An Efficient File Hierarchy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme in Cloud Computing. Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CPABE) has been a preferred encryption technology to solve the challenging problem of secure data sharing in cloud computing. The shared data ?les generally have the characteristic of multilevel hierarchy, particularly…
An Efficient Green Control Algorithm in Cloud Computing for Cost Optimization Abstract? An Efficient Green Control Algorithm in Cloud. Computing for Cost OptimizationCloud computing is a new paradigm for delivering remote computing resources through a network. However, achieving an energy-ef?ciency control and simultaneously satisfying a performance guarantee have become critical issues for cloud providers. In…
An Efficient Multi-Modal Biometric Person Authentication System Using Fuzzy Logic Abstract?An Efficient Multi-Modal Biometric Person Authentication System Using Fuzzy Logic. This paper proposes a system obtained through decision level fusion of two well known biometric sensors to identify a person namely, Fingerprint sensor and Voice sensor. More than one sensor is needed for critical or…
An Efficient Multicore based Parallel Computing Approach for TSP Problems Abstract? TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem) is a typical problem in the scientific and business computing applications such as social network analysis, VLSI chip design, etc. However TSP is regarded as not only a combinatorial optimization problem but also a typical NP-hard problem, and becomes an…
An efficient Multiple Object Detection and tracking framework for automatic counting and video surveillance application Abstract?Automatic visual object counting and video surveillance have important applications for home and business environments, such as security and management of access points. However, in order to obtain a satisfactory performance these technologies need professional and expensive hardware, complex installations…
An Efficient SVD-Based Method for Image Denoising Abstract? Nonlocal self-similarity of images has attracted considerable interest in the ?eld of image processing and led to several state-of-the-art image denoising algorithms, such as BM3D, LPG-PCA, PLOWand SAIST. In this paper, we propose a computationally simple denoising algorithm by using the nonlocal self-similarity and the low-rank approximation….