A Similarity-Based Learning Algorithm Using Distance Transformation Abstract? Numerous theories and algorithms have been developed to solve vectorial data learning problems by searching for the hypothesis that best ?ts the observed training sample. However, many real-world applications involve samples that are not described as feature vectors, but as (dis)similarity data. Converting vectorial data into <...
A Space-Bounded Anytime Algorithm for the Multiple Longest Common Subsequence Problem Abstract?A Space-Bounded Anytime Algorithm for the Multiple Longest Common Subsequence Problem. The multiple longest common subsequence (MLCS) problem, related to the identification of sequence similarity, is an important problem in many fields. As an NP-hard problem, its exact algorithms have difficulty in handling large-scale…
A Spectrum Switching Delay-Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Centralized Cognitive Radio Networks Abstract– A Spectrum Switching Delay-Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Centralized Cognitive Radio Networks. We formulate a scheduling problem that takes into account different hardware delays experienced by the secondary users (SUs) in a centralized cognitive radio network (CRN) while switching to different frequency bands. We…
A Speed-Up Scheme Based on Multiple-Instance Pruning for Pedestrian Detection Using a Support Vector Machine Abstract?A Speed-Up Scheme Based on Multiple-Instance Pruning for Pedestrian Detection Using a Support Vector Machine. In pedestrian detection, as sophisticated feature descriptors are used for improving detection accuracy, its processing speed becomes a critical issue. In this paper, we propose…
A Statistical Modeling Approach for Tumor-Type Identification in Surgical Neuropathology Using Tissue Mass Spectrometry Imaging Abstract?Current clinical practice involves classification of biopsied or resected tumor tissue based on a histopathological evaluation by a neuropathologist. In this paper, we propose a method for computer-aided histopathological evaluation using mass spectrometry imaging. Specifically, mass spectrometry imaging can be…
A Strategy of Clustering Modification Directions in Spatial Image Steganography Abstract? Most of the recently proposed steganographic schemes are based on minimizing an additive distortion function de?ned as the sum of embedding costs for individual pixels. In such an approach, mutual embedding impacts are often ignored. In this paper, we present an approach that can…
A Suitable Initialization Procedure for Speeding a Neural Network Job-Shop Scheduling Abstract? Artificial neural network models have been successfully applied to solve a job-shop scheduling problem (JSSP) known as a Nonpolynomial (NP-complete) constraint satisfaction problem. Our main contribution is an improvement of the algorithm proposed in the literature. It consists in using a procedure optimizing…
A Synergetic Use of Bloom Filters for Error Detection and Correction Abstract? Bloom ?lters (BFs) provide a fast and ef?cient way to check whether a given element belongs to a set. The BFs are used in numerous applications, for example, in communications and networking. There is also ongoing research to extend and enhance BFs and…
A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis Abstract?A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis. Interconnected systems, such as Web servers, database servers, cloud computing servers and so on, are now under threads from network attackers. As one of most common and aggressive means, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks cause…
A System for Timely and Controlled Information Sharing in Emergency Situations Abstract? During natural disasters or emergency situations, an essential requirement for an effective emergency management is the information sharing.< Final Year Projects > In this paper, we present an access control model to enforce controlled information sharing in emergency situations. An in-depth analysis of…
A System to Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN User Walls Abstract? One fundamental issue in today’s Online Social Networks (OSNs) is to give users the ability to control the messages posted on their own private space to avoid that unwanted content is displayed. Up to now, OSNs provide little support to this requirement. < Final...
A T o p – r Feature Selection Algorithm for Microarray Gene Expression Data Abstract?Feature selection from microarray data has become an ever evolving area of research. Numerous techniques have widely been applied for extraction of genes which are expressed differentially in microarray data. Some of these comprise of studies related to fold-change approach, <...