The LUT-SR Family of Uniform Random Number Generators for FPGA Architectures Abstract-The LUT-SR Family of Uniform Random Number Generators for FPGA Architectures. Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) optimized random number generators (RNGs) are more resource-efficient than software-optimized RNGs because they can take advantage of bitwise operations and FPGA-specific features. However, it is difficult to concisely describe…
The Mason Test: A Defense Against Sybil Attacks in Wireless Networks Without Trusted Authorities Abstract?The Mason Test: A Defense Against Sybil Attacks in Wireless Networks WithoutTrusted Authorities. Wireless networks are vulnerable to Sybil attacks, in which a malicious node poses as many identities in order to gain disproportionate in?uence. Many defenses based on spatial variability…
The Move-Split-Merge Metric for Time Series Abstract?The Move-Split-Merge Metric for Time Series.A novel metric for time series, called Move-Split-Merge (MSM), is proposed. This metric uses as building blocks three fundamental operations: Move, Split, and Merge, which can be applied in sequence to transform any time series into any other time series. A Move operation changes…
The Role Of Hubness For Clustering High Dimensional Data Abstract?The Role Of Hubness For Clustering High Dimensional Data. High-dimensional data arise naturally in many domains, and have regularly presented a great < Final Year Projects > challenge for traditional data mining techniques, both in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Clustering becomes difficult due to the…
The Role of Hubness in Clustering High-Dimensional Data Abstract? The Role of Hubness in Clustering High-Dimensional Data. High-dimensional data arise naturally in many domains, and have regularly presented a great challenge for traditional data mining techniques, both in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Clustering becomes difficult due to the increasing sparsity of such data, as…
The Role of Location Popularity in Multicast Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Abstract? The Role of Location Popularity in Multicast Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In the asymptotic analysis of large scale mobile networks, most previous works assume that nodes move in all the cells identically. We put forward this line of research by considering location popularity,…
The Small World of File Sharing. Web caches, content distribution networks, peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, distributed file systems, and data grids all have in common that they involve a community of users who use shared data. In each case, overall system performance can be improved significantly by first identifying and then exploiting the structure of community’s…
The study and application of the improved region growing algorithm for liver segmentation Abstract?The study and application of the improved region growing algorithm for liver segmentation. In order to improve the accuracy of the medical image segmentation and reduce the effect of selecting seed points using region growing algorithm, an improved region growing method is…
The Value of Cooperation: Minimizing User Costs in Multi-broker Mobile Cloud Computing Networks Abstract? The Value of Cooperation: Minimizing User Costs in Multi-broker Mobile Cloud Computing Networks. The problem of user cost minimization in mobile cloud computing (MCC) networks. We consider a MCC model where multiple brokers assign cloud resources to mobile users. The model…
Theoretical Analysis of the Co-Existence of LTE-A Signals and Design of an ML-SIC Receiver Abstract? Theoretical Analysis of the Co-Existence of LTE-A Signals and Design of an ML-SIC Receiver. The increasing number of mobile devices and the demand for large throughput requiring applications has hampered access to the limited frequency spectrum. The goal of this…
Thermal-Aware Scheduling of Batch Jobs in Geographically Distributed Data Centers Abstract?Thermal-Aware Scheduling of Batch Jobs in Geographically Distributed Data Centers. Decreasing the soaring energy cost is imperative < Final Year Projects > in large data centers. Meanwhile, limited computational resources need to be fairly allocated among different organizations. Latency is another major concern for resource…
Three Dimensional Data-Driven MultiScale Atomic Representation of Optical Coherence Tomography Abstract? Three Dimensional Data-Driven Multi Scale Atomic Representation of Optical Coherence Tomography. We discuss about applications of different methods for decomposing a signal over elementary wave forms chosen in a family called a dictionary atomic representations< Final Year Projects 2016 > in optical coherence tomography…