AC-Plus Scan Methodology for Small Delay Testing and Characterization Abstract? AC-Plus Scan Methodology for Small Delay Testing and Characterization. Small delay defects escaping traditional delay testing could cause a device to malfunction in the field and thus detecting these defects is often necessary. To address this issue, we propose three test modes in a new…
Access Control and Data Updation for Shared Data in Cloud Abstract? Access Control and Data Updation for Shared Data in Cloud. Cloud computing enables data owners to outsource their computationally intensive tasks and store private data to the shared cloud. To enhance the security while preserving the flexibility of data sharing, Attribute Based Encryption (ABE)…
Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data Abstract? Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data. Access control mechanisms protect sensitive information from unauthorized users. However, when sensitive information is shared and a Privacy Protection Mechanism (PPM) is not in place, an authorized user can still compromise the privacy of a person leading to…
Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data. Access control mechanisms protect sensitive information from unauthorized users. However, when sensitive information is shared and a Privacy Protection Mechanism (PPM) is not in place, an authorized user can still compromise the privacy of a person leading to identity…
Accurate Analysis of Double-Weight Codes with an Arbitrary Maximum Cross-Correlation Value for Two-Chip-Power Optical CDMA Abstract? Due to power restriction of some laser sources, the use of same power (per bit duration) in optical codes in incoherent optical code-division multiple-access multimedia networks with variable quality-of-services was previously studied. < Final Year Projects >In those studies,…
Achieving Arbitrary Multiplexing Rates for MIMO-OFDM Systems by Mimo-OFDM Systems by Hybrid Cyclic Delay Diversity Abstract?A new hybrid cyclic delay diversity (HCDD) scheme for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Unlike the existing double space time transmit diversity (DSTTD) and stacked cyclic delay diversity (SCDD) schemes that are suitable for…
Active Filter-Based Hybrid On-Chip DC?DC Converter for Point-of-Load Voltage Regulation. Experimental results of an active filter based on-chip hybrid voltage converter are described in this paper. The area of the voltage converter is significantly less than the area of a conventional passive filter based DC-DC voltage converter or a low-dropout (LDO) regulator. Hence, the proposed…
Advanced probabilistic approach for network intrusion forecasting and detection Abstract? Advanced probabilistic approach for network intrusion forecasting and detection. This study aims to propose a probabilistic approach for detecting network intrusions using Bayesian Networks (BNs). Three variations of BN, namely, Na?ve Bayesian Network (NBC), Learned BN, and hand-crafted BN, were evaluated and from which, an…
Affective State Level Recognition in Naturalistic Facial and Vocal Expressions Abstract? Affective State Level Recognition in Naturalistic Facial and Vocal Expressions. Naturalistic affective expressions change at a rate much slower than the typical rate at which video or audio is recorded. This increases the probability that consecutive recorded instants of expressions represent the same affective…
Age and pose Invarient feature extraction for Robust face Recognation Abstract? Automatic face recognition system has been facing problems in recognizing subjects of varying ages. Age invariant recognition has been of great use in tracking people database especially in public domain systems like driving license,< Final Year Project > passport, and criminal records etc., this…
Algorithms for a parallel implementation of Hidden Markov Models with a small state space Abstract?Two of the most important algorithms for Hidden Markov Models are the forward and the Viterbi algorithms. We show how formulating these using linear algebra naturally lends itself to parallelization.< Final Year Project > Although the obtained algorithms are slow for…