Virtual Lab Abstract? Virtual Lab. This document covers the usage and development of a Linux based virtual machine with specific tools to help out students in the learning process of digital designs and microprocessors. It describes the advantages of an unified development environment for the teaching process and how it helps students to understand key…
Virtual machine power measuring technique with bounded error in cloud environments Abstract? Virtual machine power measuring technique with bounded error in cloud environments. Several fields of science have traditionally demanded large-scale workflow support, which requires thousands of CPU cores or more. In this paper, we investigate ways to support these scientific workflows in a…
Visual Object Tracking Based on Local Steering Kernels and Color Histograms Abstract? we propose a visual object tracking framework, which employs an appearance-based representation of the target object, based on local steering kernel descriptors and color histogram information. This framework takes as input the region of the target object in the previous video frame and…
Web usage mining to improve the design of an e-commerce website Abstract? Web usage mining to improve the design of an e-commerce website. In a short span of time, less than 10 years, E-Commerce industry has observed a magnificent growth in some of the developed countries. However E-Commerce industry in developing countries like India is…