Towards Differential Query Services in Cost-Efficient Clouds Abstract?Cloud computing as an emerging technology trend is expected to reshape the advances in information technology. In a cost-efficient cloud environment, a user can tolerate a certain degree of delay while retrieving information from the cloud to reduce costs.< Final Year Projects > In this paper, we address…
Towards the Scheduling of Access Requests In Cloud Storage Abstract?In recent years, cloud computing has emerged as an enabling technology, in which virtual machine migration and dynamic resource allocation is one of the hot issues. During the migration of virtual machine, access requests from end users coming constantly. So how to schedule these requests to…
TRACON: Interference-Aware Schedulingfor Data-Intensive Applicationsin Virtualized Environments Abstract? TRACON: Interference-Aware Schedulingfor Data-Intensive Applicationsin Virtualized Environments. Large-scale data centers leverage virtualization technology to achieve excellent resource utilization, scalability, and high availability. Ideally, the performance of an application running inside a virtual machine (VM) shall be independent of co-located applications and VMs that share the physical machine….
TREE-METRICS GRAPH CUTS FOR BRAIN MRI SEGMENTATION WITH TREE CUTTING Abstract?We tackle the problem of brain MRI image segmentation using the tree-metric graph cuts (TM) algorithm, a novel image segmentation algorithm, and introduce a ?tree-cutting? method to interpret the labeling returned by the TM algorithm as tissue classification for the input brain MRI image. The…
Trinity on using trinary tree Abstract?Trinity on using trinary tree. Web data extractors are used to extract data from web documents in order to feed automated processes. In this article, we propose a technique that works on two or more web documents generated by the same server-side template and learns a regular expression that models…
Trust-based Service Composition and Optimization Abstract? Trust-based Service Composition and Optimization. As an important method for creating value-added services by composing existing services, Web service composition technology has attracted an increasing attention in recent years. Most current service composition and optimization methods utilize quality of service (QoS) attributes to decide which concrete services to invoke….
Tumor Recognition in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Using Textural Features and SVM-Based Feature Selection Abstract? Tumor in digestive tract is a common disease and wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a relatively new technology to examine diseases for digestive tract especially for small intestine. This paper addresses the problem of automatic recognition of tumor < Final...
Two cooperative ant colonies for feature selection using fuzzy models Abstract? The available set of potential features in real-world databases is sometimes very large,< Final Year Projects > and it can be necessary to find a small subset for classification purposes. One of the most important techniques in data pre-processing for classification is feature selection….
U-Skyline: A New Skyline Query for Uncertain Databases Abstract? U-Skyline: A New Skyline Query for Uncertain Databases.U-Skyline: A New Skyline Query for Uncertain Databases The skyline query, aiming at identifying a set of skyline tuples that are not dominated by any other tuple, is particularly useful for multicriteria data analysis and decision making. For uncertain…
ubiSOAP A Service Oriented Middleware for Ubiquitous Networking. Abstract? The computing and networking capacities of today’s wireless portable devices allow for ubiquitous services, which are seamlessly networked. Indeed, wireless handheld devices now embed the necessary resources to act as both service clients and providers.< Final Year Projects > However, the ubiquitous networking of services remains…
Unprivileged Black-Box Detection of User-Space Keyloggers Abstract?Software keyloggers are a fast growing class of invasive software often used to harvest confidential information. One of the main reasons for this rapid growth is the possibility for unprivileged programs running in user space to eavesdrop and record all the keystrokes typed by the users of a system.<...