Showing 601–612 of 665 results

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    Study Of Bank By various type of bank services

    0 out of 5

    Study Of Bank By various type of bank services Abstract? Study Of Bank By various type of bank services. The presence of microcalcification clusters in mammograms contributes evidence for the diagnosis of early stages of breast cancer. Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) can be used as a useful tool for improving the accuracy of the diagnosis…

  • Placeholder

    Study of emerging Banking Regulation

    0 out of 5

    Study of emerging Banking Regulation Abstract? Study of emerging Banking Regulation. In the recent years payment systems in Europe are evolved to a new scenario where transactions and retail payments take place according to the SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Regulation. SEPA is an initiative of the European banking industry aiming at making all electronic…

  • Placeholder

    Study of Human resource management

    0 out of 5

    Study of Human resource management Abstract? Study of Human resource management. To solve the poor efficiency and working activity problem of shipbuilding industry in China, the paper used MDS to analyze HRM Department, built 2 – model network to analyze the relationship of different departments in China’s shipbuilding enterprises. The paper got the initial data…

  • Placeholder

    Studying Internal Control System of an Organization

    0 out of 5

    Studying Internal Control System of an Organization Abstract? Studying Internal Control System of an Organization. Establishing and maintaining proper internal controls is an essential, < Final Year Projects > ongoing, and complex process for today’s organizations. Even though managers are ultimately responsible for ensuring internal control, they are typically not well versed in internal control…

  • Subthreshold Dual Mode Logic

    0 out of 5

    Subthreshold Dual Mode Logic Abstract-Subthreshold Dual Mode Logic. In this brief, we introduce a novel low-power dual mode logic (DML) family, designed to operate in the subthreshold region. The proposed logic family can be switched between static and dynamic modes of operation according to system requirements. In static mode, the DML gates feature very low-power…

  • Placeholder

    Superpixel Classification Based Optic Disc and Optic Cup Segmentation for Glaucoma Screening

    0 out of 5

    Superpixel Classification Based Optic Disc and Optic Cup Segmentation for Glaucoma Screening Abstract? Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease that leads to vision loss. As it cannot be cured, detecting the disease in time is important. Current tests using intraocular pressure (IOP) are not sensitive enough for population based glaucoma screening. Optic nerve head assessment…

  • Placeholder

    Supervised Spatio-Temporal Neighborhood Topology Learning for Action Recognition

    0 out of 5

    Supervised Spatio-Temporal Neighborhood Topology Learning for Action Recognition Abstract? Supervised manifold learning has been successfully applied to action recognition, in which class label information could improve the recognition performance. However, the learned manifold may not be able to well preserve both the local structure and global constraint of temporal labels in action sequences.< Final Year...

  • Placeholder

    Supporting Domain Analysis through Mining and Recommending Features from Online Product Listings

    0 out of 5

    Supporting Domain Analysis through Mining and Recommending Features from Online Product Listings Abstract? Supporting Domain Analysis through Mining and Recommending Features from Online Product Listings. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Base Paper Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video…

  • Supporting Flexible, Efficient, and User-Interpretable Retrieval of Similar Time Series

    0 out of 5

    Supporting Flexible, Efficient, and User-Interpretable Retrieval of Similar Time Series Abstract? Supporting decision making in domains in which the observed phenomenon dynamics have to be dealt with, can greatly benefit of retrieval of past cases, provided that proper representation and retrieval techniques are implemented. In particular,< Final Year Project > when the parameters of interest…

  • Placeholder

    Supporting Privacy Protection in personalized web search

    0 out of 5

    Supporting Privacy Protection in personalized web search Abstract? Supporting Privacy Protection in personalized web search. Personalized web search (PWS) has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving the quality of various search services on the Internet. However, evidences show that users’ reluctance to disclose their private information during search has become a major barrier for the wide…

  • Placeholder

    Supporting Search-As-You-Type Using SQL in Databases

    0 out of 5

    Supporting Search-As-You-Type Using SQL in Databases Abstract? Supporting Search-As-You-Type Using SQL in Databases. A search-as-you-type system computes answers on-the-fly as a user types in a keyword query character by character. We study how to support search-as-you-type on data residing in a relational DBMS. We focus on how to support this type of search using the…

  • Placeholder

    SUSIE: Search Using Services and Information Extraction

    0 out of 5

    SUSIE: Search Using Services and Information Extraction   Abstract? SUSIE: Search Using Services and Information Extraction. The API of a Web service restricts the types of queries that the service can answer. For example, a Web service might provide a method that returns the songs of a given singer, but it might not provide a…

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