Showing 589–600 of 665 results

  • Placeholder

    Separable Reversible Encrypted Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Using AES algorithm and Lossy Technique

    0 out of 5

    Separable Reversible Encrypted Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Using AES algorithm and Lossy Technique Abstract?The field steganography is very much popular technique for sending secrete message and lots of research are going in it. To overcome the limitation of previous work we proposed separable and reversible encrypted data hiding in encrypted image using AES Algorithm…

  • Placeholder

    Shape Similarity Analysis by Self-Tuning Locally Constrained Mixed-Diffusion

    0 out of 5

    Shape Similarity Analysis by Self-Tuning Locally Constrained Mixed-Diffusion Abstract?Similarity analysis is a powerful tool for shape matching/retrieval and other computer vision tasks. In the literature, various shape (dis)similarity measures have been introduced. Different measures specialize on different aspects of the data. < Final Year Projects > In this paper, we consider the problem of improving…

  • Placeholder

    Silhouette Analysis-Based Gait Recognition for Human Identification

    0 out of 5

    Silhouette Analysis-Based Gait Recognition for Human Identification Abstract? Silhouette Analysis-Based Gait Recognition for Human Identification Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video Tutorials Supporting Softwares [/numbers_sections] [numbers_sections number=”2″ title=”Our =Specialization=” last=”no” ] Voice Conference…

  • Placeholder

    Smile Detection by Boosting Pixel Differences

    0 out of 5

    Tag Completion for Image Retrieval Abstract? Smile detection in face images captured in unconstrained real-world scenarios is an interesting problem with many potential applications. This paper presents an efficient approach to smile detection,< Final Year Projects > in which the intensity differences between pixels in the grayscale face images are used as features. We adopt…

  • Placeholder

    Snort Port Scan

    0 out of 5

    Snort Port Scan Abstract? Snort Port Scan. Cloud Computing is becoming a promising technology for processing a huge chunk of data. Hence, its security aspect has drawn the attentions of researchers and academician. The security of the cloud environment must be reliable as well as scalable. The cloud environment is vulnerable to many security attacks….

  • Solid waste management

    0 out of 5

    Solid waste management Abstract? Solid waste management. Solid waste management has been a leading concern for all the developing countries. It poses serious threats in terms of environmental damage, health hazards and economic cascade. There has to be apt planning for proper waste management by analyzing the area and its waste situation. This paper deals…

  • Solution for Environment / economic dispatch problem using differential environment

    0 out of 5

    Solution for Environment / economic dispatch problem using differential environment Abstract?Solution for Environment / economic dispatch problem using differential environment Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video Tutorials Supporting Softwares [/numbers_sections] [numbers_sections number=”2″ title=”Our…

  • SPAM: A Secure Password Authentication Mechanism for Seamless Handover in Proxy Mobile IPv6 Networks

    0 out of 5

    SPAM: A Secure Password Authentication Mechanism for Seamless Handover in Proxy Mobile IPv6 Networks Abstract? SPAM: A Secure Password Authentication Mechanism for Seamless Handover in Proxy Mobile IPv6 Networks. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File…

  • Spatial Query Integrity with Voronoi Neighbors

    0 out of 5

    Spatial Query Integrity with Voronoi Neighbors Abstract? Spatial Query Integrity with Voronoi Neighbors. With the popularity of location-based services and the abundant usage of smart phones and GPS-enabled devices, the necessity of outsourcing spatial data has grown rapidly over the past few years. Meanwhile, the fast arising trend of cloud storage and cloud computing services…

  • Placeholder

    Spatially Optimized Data-Level Fusion of Texture and Shape for Face Recognition

    0 out of 5

    Spatially Optimized Data-Level Fusion of Texture and Shape for Face Recognition Abstract?Data-level fusion is believed to have the potential for enhancing human face recognition. However, due to a number of challenges, current techniques have failed to achieve its full potential. We propose spatially optimized data/pixel-level fusion of 3-D shape and texture for face recognition. Fusion…

  • Spectrum-Aware Mobility Management in Cognitive Radio Cellular Networks

    0 out of 5

    Spectrum-Aware Mobility Management in Cognitive Radio Cellular Networks Abstract?Cognitive radio (CR) networks have been proposed as a solution to both spectrum inefficiency and spectrum scarcity problems. However, they face several challenges based on the fluctuating nature of the available spectrum, making it more difficult to support seamless communications, especially in CR cellular networks.< Final Year...

  • Placeholder

    Student Portal Management System

    0 out of 5

    Student Portal Management System Abstract? Student Portal Management System. The paper describes the Knowledge Management System (KMS) about military universities (MilUNI), mostly in the NATO environment, but it also includes all European countries. The goal of the MilUNI is to support the cooperation among universities in education, research, and the staff and students exchange. The…

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