A New Coding Mode for Hybrid Video Coders Based on Quantized Motion Vectors AbstractThe rate allocation tradeoff between motion vectors and transform coefficients has a major importance when it comes to efficient video compression. This paper introduces a new coding mode for an H.264/AVC-like video coder, which improves the management of this resource allocation. The…
A Novel and Lightweight System to Secure Wireless Medical Sensor Networks Abstract? A Novel and Lightweight System to Secure Wireless Medical Sensor Networks. Wireless medical sensor networks (MSNs) are a key enabling technology in e-healthcare that allows the data of a patient’s vital body parameters to be collected by the wearable or implantable biosensors. However,…
A Novel Economic Sharing Model in a Federation of Selfish Cloud Providers Abstract?A Novel Economic Sharing Model in a Federation of Selfish Cloud Providers. This paper presents a novel economic model to regulate capacity sharing in a federation of hybrid cloud providers (CPs). The proposed work models the interactions among the CPs as a repeated…
A NOVEL FACTS COMPENSATION SCHEME FOR POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN WIND SMART GRID Abstract? presents a novel FACTS based Static Switched Filter Compensation (SSFC) scheme. This FACTS SSFC scheme is an effective power quality mitigation, voltage stabilization, power losses reduction and power factor enhancement tool for wind schemes interfaced with Smart Grid-Distribution Networks. The FACTS…
A Novel Medical Image Compression Using Ripplet transform Abstract? A Novel Medical Image Compression Using Ripplet transform. Now-a-days the medical image compression plays a major role in the image processing. Even though the technology is improvised but still it needs the storage space and efficient bandwidth utilization. This paper presents the compression of grey scale…
A Novel Method for Calculating Service Reputation Abstract? A Novel Method for Calculating Service Reputation. Owing to their rapid development, services are increasing rapidly in quantity. The consequence is that there are so many services that share the same or similar functions. Therefore, < Final Year Projects > it is important to select a credible…
A novel Method to access QA In EducationEnvironment Abstract? A novel Method to access QA In EducationEnvironment. In this paper, a novel access method with LS-code in multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) system is proposed, called MC-LS-CDMA scheme. The theoretical analysis and the simulation results show that by using the LS-code access method proposed…
A novel risk assessment and optimisation model for a multi-objective network security countermeasure selection problem Abstract? A novel risk assessment and optimisation model for a multi-objective network security countermeasure selection problem. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure…
A Parallel Edge Preserving Algorithm for Salt and Pepper Image Denoising Abstract? A Parallel Edge Preserving Algorithm for Salt and Pepper Image Denoising. In this paper a two-phase filter for removing ?salt and pepper? noise is proposed. In the first phase, an adaptive median filter is used to identify the set of the noisy pixels;…
A Privacy Leakage Upper Bound Constraint-Based Approach for Cost-Effective Privacy Preserving of Intermediate Data Sets in Cloud Abstract? Cloud computing provides massive computation power and storage capacity which enable users to deploy computation and data-intensive applications without infrastructure investment. Along the processing of such applications, a large volume of intermediate data sets will be generated,…
A Protocol for Evaluating Video Trackers Under Real-World Conditions Abstract?The absence of a commonly adopted performance evaluation framework is hampering advances in the design of effective video trackers. < Final Year Projects > In this paper, we present a single-score evaluation measure and a protocol to objectively compare trackers. The proposed measure evaluates tracking accuracy…
A Proxy-Based Approach to Continuous Location-Based Spatial Queries in Mobile Environments Abstract? Caching valid regions of spatial queries at mobile clients is effective in reducing the number of queries submitted by mobile clients and query load on the server. However, mobile clients suffer from longer waiting time for the server to compute valid regions. We…