Automatic Detection and Measurement of Structuresin Fetal Head Ultrasound Volumes Using SequentialEstimation and Integrated Detection Network (IDN) Abstract? Automatic Detection and Measurement of Structuresin Fetal Head Ultrasound Volumes Using SequentialEstimation and Integrated Detection Network. Routine ultrasound exam in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy involves manually measuring fetal head and brain structures in 2-D…
Automatic Detection of Exudates in Diabetic Retinopathy Images Abstract? According to the increasing consumption of sugar materials in human life and growing trend of the machine life, the prevalence of diabetes is on the rise. It is observed all patients with this disease mostly suffer from decrease or loss their vision. For the automatic diagnosis…
Automatic Exudate detection for the diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy Abstract?Ophthalmologists analyze fundus images of eye extensively as a non invasive diagnosis tool for various internal eye defects. Diabetic retinopathy is an eye complication specially seen in diabetic patients, causing damage to retina which may lead to blindness.< Final Year Projects > The major symptoms of…
Automatic Image Annotation using Multi SVM Abstract?Image annotation is usually formed as a multiclass classification problem. Traditional methods learn the co-occurrence of keywords and images while they ignore the correlation between keywords, which turned out to be one of the reasons causing poor experiment results.< Final Year Project > In this paper, we propose an…
Automatic Itenary palanning for Travelling Services. Abstract? Automatic Itenary palanning for Travelling Services. Creating an efficient and economic trip plan is the most annoying job for a backpack traveler. Although travel agency can provide some predefined itineraries, they are not tailored for each specific customer. Previous efforts address the problem by providing an automatic itinerary…
Automatic Semantic Content Extraction in Videos Using a Fuzzy Ontology and Rule-Based Model Abstract?Recent increase in the use of video-based applications has revealed the need for extracting the content in videos. Raw data and low-level features alone are not sufficient to fulfill the user ‘s needs; that is, a deeper understanding of the content at…
Automatic Tuberculosis Screening Using Chest Radiographs Abstract?Automatic Tuberculosis Screening Using Chest Radiographs. Tuberculosis is a major health threat in many regions of the world. Opportunistic infections in immunocompromised HIV/AIDS patients and multi-drug-resistant bacterial strains have exacerbated the problem, while diagnosing tuberculosis still remains a challenge. When left undiagnosed and thus untreated, mortality rates of patients…
Bad Data Injection Attack and Defense in Electricity Market Using Game Theory Study Abstract? Applications of cyber technologies improve the quality of monitoring and decision making in smart grid. These cyber technologies are vulnerable to malicious attacks, and compromising them can have serious technical and economical problems.< Final Year Project > This paper specifies the…
Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions Abstract?In distributed transactional database systems deployed over cloud servers, entities cooperate to form proofs of authorizations that are justified by collections of certified credentials. These proofs and credentials may be evaluated and collected over extended time periods under the risk of having the underlying authorization policies…
Bayesian Networks For Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Software Engineering Abstract?Bayesian Networks For Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Software Engineering. Recommendation systems in software engineering (SE) should be designed to integrate evidence into practitioners experience. Bayesian networks (BNs) provide a natural statistical framework for evidence-based decision-making by incorporating an integrated summary of the available evidence and associated uncertainty (of…
BIOLOGICAL EARLY BRAIN CANCER DETECTION USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK Computer aided diagnosis systems for detecting malignanttexture in biological study have been investigated usingseveral techniques. This paper presents an approach incomputer-aided diagnosis for early prediction of braincancer using Texture features and neuro classification logic.< Final Year Projects >The Tumor mass detection and Cluster microclassification is used…