An unsupervised approach to develop IR system :In case of urudu Abstract?Web Search Engines are best gifts to the mankind by Information and Communication Technologies. Without the search engines it would have been almost impossible to make the efficient access of the information available on the web today. They play a very vital role in…
Analysis and design of a low-voltage low power Double-Tail Comparator Abstract? Analysis and design of a low-voltage low power Double-Tail Comparator. The need for ultra low-power, area efficient, and high speed analog-to-digital converters is pushing toward the use of dynamic regenerative comparators to maximize speed and power efficiency. In this paper, an analysis on the…
Annotating search result from web data bases Abstract? An increasing number of databases have become web accessible through HTML form-based search interfaces. The data units returned from the underlying database are usually encoded into the result pages dynamically for human browsing. < Final Year Projects >For the encoded data units to be machine processable, which…
Anonymization of centralized and distributed social network by sequential clustering. We study the problem of privacy-preservation in social networks. We consider the distributed setting in which the network data is split between several data holders. The goal is to arrive at an anonymized view of the unified network without revealing to any of the data…
Apartment Management System Abstract? Apartment Management System. We have conducted investigations into the system architecture and an appliance control interface for an “Apartment Management System” (AMS). “Agent Modules” architecture and a low-cost interface have been proposed. The results are incorporated into an “AMS”, which can build a Facility-Management System “(FIMS)” < Final Year Projects >…
Application Checkpointing in Grid Environment with Improved Checkpoint Reliability through Replication Abstract?Grid technologies are emerging as the next generation of distributed computing, allowing the aggregation of heterogeneous resources that are geographically distributed. The heterogeneous nature of the grid makes it more vulnerable to faults which lead to either the failure of the job or delay…
Application-Aware Topology Reconfiguration for On-Chip Networks Abstract? Application-Aware Topology Reconfiguration for On-Chip Networks. In this paper, we present a reconfigurable architecture for networks-on-chip (NoC) on which arbitrary application-specific topologies can be implemented. When a new application starts, < Final Year Projects > the proposed NoC tailors its topology to the application traffic pattern by changing…
Application-Driven End-to-End Traffic Predictions for Low Power NoC Design Abstract? Application-Driven End-to-End Traffic Predictions for Low Power NoC Design. As chip multiprocessors keep increasing the number of cores on the chip, the network-on-chip (NoC) technology is becoming essential for interconnecting the cores. While NoCs result in noticeable performance boost over conventional bus systems, they consume…
Applying Network Coding to Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Abstract?Network coding is a promising enhancement of routing to improve network throughput and provide high reliability. It allows a node to generate output messages by encoding its received messages. Peer-to-peer networks are a perfect place to apply network coding due to two reasons: the topology of a peer-to-peer…
Applying Network Coding to Peer?to-Peer File Sharing Abstract?Network coding is a promising enhancement of routing to improve network throughput and provide high reliability. It allows a node to generate output messages by encoding its received messages. Peer-to-peer networks are a perfect place to apply network coding due to two reasons: the topology of a peer-to-peer…
Applying ontology using patrol intrusion detection system for wireless sensor network Abstract?A wireless sensor network (WSN) typically consists of a large number of resource constrained sensor nodes. Wireless sensor networks are developed for deployment at locations without infrastructure support which may provide a solution to many applications. < Final Year Projects > WSNs are mostly…
Area-Delay-Power Efficient Fixed-Point LMS Adaptive Filter With Low Adaptation-Delay Abstract?Area-Delay-Power Efficient Fixed-Point LMS Adaptive Filter With Low Adaptation-Delay. In this paper, we present an efficient architecture for the implementation of a delayed least mean square adaptive filter. For achieving lower adaptation-delay and area-delay-power efficient implementation, we use a novel partial product generator and propose a…