A cascaded Couple Inductor- Reverse high step up converter integrating three-winding coupled inductor and diode-capacitor technique Abstract-At the first place, introduces a cascaded high step up converter realized with a tightly coupled three-winding coupled inductor. Compared with existing high step up converters, the proposed converter features that the smaller the turns ratio is, the larger…
A Classroom Scheduling Service for Smart Classes Abstract-The main aim of this project is to make an android app to know the time table of the college for the student as well as staff. And also admin can easily allocate period as per the staffs availability. By introducing service-oriented architecture (SOA), SmartClass is able to…
A Clustering-tree Topology Control Based on the Energy Forecast for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract-How to design an energy-efficient algorithm to maximize the network lifetime in complicated scenarios is a critical problem for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (HWSN). In this paper, a clustering-tree topology control algorithm based on the energy forecast (CTEF) is proposed for…
Automobile Spare Shop(Android App) Abstract-A low-power ultrawideband (UWB) pulse generator based on pulsed oscillator architecture for 3?5 GHz applications is proposed. The pulsed oscillator is improved, so it realizes binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation. Unlike ON?OFF keying or pulse-position modulation (PPM), BPSK can scramble the spectrum, so it can be used in high pulse…
A Collaborative Approach for Monitoring Nodes Behavior during Spectrum Sensing to Mitigate Multiple Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks Abstract– In the first place, spectrum sensing is the first step to overcome the spectrum scarcity problem in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) wherein all unutilized subbands in the radio environment are explored for better spectrum utilization. Adversary…
A Collaborative DDoS Defence Framework using Network Function Virtualization Abstract-High-profile, and often destructive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks continue to be one of the top security concerns as the DDoS attacks volumes are increasing constantly. Among them the SYN Flood attack is the most common type. Conventional DDoS defense solutions may not bepreferable since…
Achieving Secure and Efficient Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption over Medical Cloud Data Abstract-High-profile, and often destructive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks continue to be one of the top security concerns as the DDoS attacks volumes are increasing constantly. Among them the SYN Flood attack is the most common type. Conventional DDoS defense solutions may…
A Collaborative Key Management Protocol in Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption for Cloud Data Sharing Abstract– Ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising cryptographic technique for fine-grained access control of outsourced data in the cloud. However, some drawbacks of key management hinder the popularity of its application. One drawback in urgent need of solution is…
A Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Multiple Resource Procurement in Cloud Computing Abstract? In hybrid cloud computing, cloud users have the ability to procure resources from multiple cloud vendors, and furthermore also the option of selecting different combinations of resources. The problem of procuring a single resource from one of many cloud vendors can be modeled…
A Compact One-Pin Mode Transition Circuit for Clock Synchronization in Current-Mode- Controlled Switching Regulators Abstract? A one-pin mode transition circuit that addresses the issues related to clock synchronization in switching regulators during the mode transitions between external timing resistor and external clock. The proposed circuit reduces the circuit complexity needed to achieve mode transition during…
A Compact-Area Low-VDDmin 6T SRAM With Improvement in Cell Stability, Read Speed, and Write Margin Using a Dual-Split-Control-Assist Scheme Abstract-Previous 6T SRAMs commonly employ a wordline voltage underdrive (WLUD) scheme to suppress half-select (HS) disturbs in read and write cycles, at the expense of reduced cell read current ( I CELL ) and degraded write…
A Computationally Efficient Reconfigurable FIR Filter Architecture Based on Coefficient Occurrence Probability Abstract?Reconfigurable digital filter is being widely used in applications such as communication and signal processing. Its performance, power consumption, and logic resource utilization are the major factors to be taken into consideration when designing the filters. < final year projects > [numbers_sections number=”1″…