Showing 1–12 of 320 results

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    ?TACI: Taxonomy-Aware Catalog Integration

    0 out of 5

    ?TACI: Taxonomy-Aware Catalog Integration Abstract? TACI: Taxonomy-Aware Catalog Integration.A fundamental data integration task faced by online commercial portals and commerce search engines is the integration of products coming from multiple providers to their product catalogs. In this scenario, the commercial portal has its own taxonomy (the ?master taxonomy?), while each data provider organizes its products…

  • Placeholder

    3-D Face Recognition Under Occlusion Using Masked Projection

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    3-D Face Recognition Under Occlusion Using Masked Projection Abstract?With advances in sensor technology, the three-dimensional (3-D) face has become an emerging biometric modality, preferred especially in high security applications. However, dealing with occlusions covering the facial surface is a great challenge, which should be handled to enable applicability to fully automatic security systems. In this…

  • Placeholder

    A 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform Based 7- State Hidden Markov Model for Efficient Face Recognition

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    A 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform Based 7- State Hidden Markov Model for Efficient Face Recognition Abstract? A 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform Based 7- State Hidden Markov Model for Efficient Face Recognition. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure…

  • Placeholder

    A Block-Mean Difference Based Sorting Scheme on Lossy Partail Distortion Search for Fast Optimal Motion Estimation

    0 out of 5

    A Block-Mean Difference Based Sorting Scheme on Lossy Partail Distortion Search for Fast Optimal Motion Estimation Abstract? This work presents an efficient lossy partial distortion search (PDS) algorithm named adaptive mean difference based partial distortion search (A-MDPDS). The proposed A-MDPDS algorithm reduces computations by using a halfway-stop technique in the calculation of block distortion measure…

  • Placeholder

    A Coarse to Fine Minutiae-Based Latent Palmprint Matching

    0 out of 5

    A Coarse to Fine Minutiae-Based Latent Palmprint Matching Abstract? The availability of live-scan palmprint technology, high resolution palmprint recognition has started to receive significant attention in forensics and law enforcement. In forensic applications, latent palmprints provide critical evidence as it is estimated that about 30 percent of the latents recovered at crime scenes are those…

  • A Communication-Based Appliance Scheduling Scheme forConsumer-Premise Energy Management Systems

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    A Communication-Based Appliance Scheduling Scheme forConsumer-Premise Energy Management Systems Abstract? A communication-based load scheduling protocol is proposed for in-home appliances connected over a home area network. Specifically, a joint access and scheduling approach for appliances is developed to enable in-home appliances to coordinate power usage so that the total energy demand for the home is…

  • Placeholder

    A Discriminative Model of Motion and Cross Ratio for View-Invariant Action Recognitio

    0 out of 5

    A Discriminative Model of Motion and Cross Ratio for View-Invariant Action Recognition Abstract? Action recognition is very important for many applications such as video surveillance, human-computer interaction, and so on; view-invariant action recognition is hot and difficult as well in this field. In this paper, a new discriminative model is proposed for video-based view-invariant action…

  • A Dynamic Image Matching Model and Architecture for Smart Devices

    0 out of 5

    A Dynamic Image Matching Model and Architecture for Smart Devices. The aim of this research is on developing a dynamic image matching model (DIMM) for smart devices. People with no knowledge on searching keywords can see the information and make good use of it in their daily life. Although existing search engines (Google, Yahoo etc.)…

  • A fault-tolerant scheduling system for computational grids

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    A fault-tolerant scheduling system for computational grids Abstract? Fault-tolerant scheduling is an important issue for computational grid systems, as grids typically consist of strongly varying and geographically distributed resources. The main scheduling strategy of most fault-tolerant scheduling systems depends on the response time and fault index when selecting a resource to execute a certain job.<...

  • Placeholder

    A Fuzzy Inference System Combined with Wavelet Transform for Breast Mass Classification

    0 out of 5

    A Fuzzy Inference System Combined with Wavelet Transform for Breast Mass Classification Abstract? a combination of the Fast Wavelet Transform (FWT) and Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) methods. The goal is classification of breast masses as benign or malignant by applying< Final Year Projects > this method consecutively to the extracted features of the Region…

  • Placeholder

    A Generalized Flow-Based Method for Analysis of Implicit Relationships on Wikipedia

    0 out of 5

    A Generalized Flow-Based Method for Analysis of Implicit Relationships on Wikipedia Abstract? We focus on measuring relationships between pairs of objects in Wikipedia whose pages can be regarded as individual objects. Two kinds of relationships between two objects exist: in Wikipedia, an explicit relationship is represented by a single link between the two pages for…

  • A hierarchical reliability-driven scheduling algorithm in grid systems

    0 out of 5

    A hierarchical reliability-driven scheduling algorithm in grid systems Abstract?In a Grid computing system, many distributed scientific and engineering applications often require multi-institutional collaboration, large-scale resource sharing, wide-area communication, etc. Applications executing in such systems inevitably encounter different types of failures such as hardware failure, program failure, and storage failure. One way of taking failures into…

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