A Configurable Parallel Hardware Architecture for Efficient Integral Histogram Image Computing Abstract? Integral histogram image can accelerate the computing process of feature algorithm in computer vision, but exhibits high computation complexity and inefficient memory access. In this paper, we propose a configurable parallel architecture to improve the computing efficiency of integral histogram. Based on the…
A Context-Aware Architecture Supporting Service Availability in Mobile Cloud Computing Abstract? Mobile systems are gaining more and more importance, and new promising paradigms like Mobile Cloud Computing are emerging. Mobile Cloud Computing provides an infrastructure where data storage and processing could happen outside the mobile node. Specifically, there is a major interest in the use…
Coverage Performance of Joint Transmission for Moving Relay Enabled Cellular Networks in Dense Urban Scenarios Abstract– Cloud computing has promoted the success of big data applications such as medical data analyses. With the abundant resources provisioned by cloud platforms, the QoS (quality of service) of services that process big data could be boosted significantly. However,…
A Coordinated Control Approach for DC link and Rotor Crowbars to Improve Fault Ride-Through of DFIG based Wind Turbine Abstract– Nowadays, most double fed induction generators (DFIGs) based wind turbines are equipped with rotor crowbar connected in parallel with the rotor side converter (RSC). The parallel rotor side crowbar (PRSC) is used to protect the…
A Cost-Optimized Resource Provisioning Policy for Heterogeneous Cloud Environments Abstract– In the first place, to avoid the drawbacks of a pricing mechanism in heterogeneous cloud environments that considers only single resources, propose a multi-resource combinatorial pricing mechanism in this paper. This approach jointly considers the principal resources (i.e., CPU, memory, storage, and bandwidth) with the…
A Cross Layer Token Generation (Cltg) Technique To Detect Worm Hole Attacks In Manet Abstract-A Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) consists of random moving nodes which are free to move throughout the network. A Mobile Adhoc network (MANET) is a kind of wireless mobile nodes that can communicate with each other through radio waves. It dynamically…
A Current Control Scheme of Brushless DC Motors Driven by Four-Switch Three-Phase Inverters Abstract-Based on brushless DC motors (BLDCM) driven by four-switch three-phase inverter (FSTPI), a current control scheme is proposed to reduce the current ripple of both normal conduction region and commutation region. Assuming c-phase winding is connected to the middle point of DC-link…
A Data Mining Approach Combining K-Means Clustering with Bagging Neural Network for Short-term Wind Power Forecasting Abstract-Wind power forecasting (WPF) is significant to guide the dispatching of grid and the production planning of wind farm effectively. The intermittency and volatility of wind leading to the diversity of the training samples have a major impact on…
A Data Mining Approach Combining K-Means Clustering with Bagging Neural Network for Short-term Wind Power Forecasting Abstract-Wind power forecasting (WPF) is significant to guide the dispatching of grid and the production planning of wind farm effectively. The intermittency and volatility of wind leading to the diversity of the training samples have a major impact on…
Adistributedensembleapproachformininghealthcaredataunderprivacyconstraints Abstract? electronic health records(EHRs)have been widely ad apted at many health care facilities in an attempt to improve the quality of patient care and increase the productivity and efficiency of health care delivery. These EHRs can accurately diagnose diseases if utilize dap-propriately. While the EHRs canpotentially resolve many of the existing problems associated with…
A distributed ensemble approach for mining health care data under privacy constraints Abstract? Electronic health records (EHRs) have been widely ad aptedate many health care facilities in an attempt to improve the quality of patient care and increase the productivity and efficiency of health care delivery. These EHRs can accurately diagnosed is eases if utilized…
A Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Model for Secure Big Data Abstract? Mobile cloud computing provides a novel ecommerce mode for organizations without any upfront investment. Since cloud computing uses distributed resources in open environment, it is important to provide secure keys to share the data for developing cloud computing applications. To ensure a correctness of…