Showing 1885–1896 of 1941 results

  • Unprivileged Black-Box Detection of User-Space Keyloggers

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    Unprivileged Black-Box Detection of User-Space Keyloggers Abstract?Software keyloggers are a fast growing class of invasive software often used to harvest confidential information. One of the main reasons for this rapid growth is the possibility for unprivileged programs running in user space to eavesdrop and record all the keystrokes typed by the users of a system.<...

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    Unraveling the Effect of Textured Contact Lenses on Iris Recognition

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    Unraveling the Effect of Textured Contact Lenses on Iris Recognition Abstract?Unraveling the Effect of Textured Contact Lenses on Iris Recognition. The presence of a contact lens, particularly a textured cosmetic lens, poses a challenge to iris recognition as it obfuscates the natural iris patterns. The main contribution of this paper is to present an in-depth…

  • Placeholder

    Unsupervised Colour Image Segmentation using Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform

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    Unsupervised Colour Image Segmentation using Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform Abstract?a novel image segmentation technique for noisy colour images, in which the heavy-tailed characteristics of the image are modelled by Cauchy distributions. First, the RGB colour bands of the noisy image are decomposed into multiresolution representations using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform.< Final Year Project >…

  • Unsupervised Feature Selection with Controlled Redundancy (UFeSCoR)

    0 out of 5

    Unsupervised Feature Selection with Controlled Redundancy (UFeSCoR) Abstract? Unsupervised Feature Selection with Controlled Redundancy (UFeSCoR). Features selected by a supervised / unsupervised technique often include redundant or correlated features. While use of correlated features may result in an increase in the design and decision making cost, removing redundancy completely can make the system vulnerable to…

  • Placeholder

    Unsupervised Multi-Spectral Satellite Image Segmentation Combining Modi fied Mean-Shift and a New Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering Technique

    0 out of 5

    Unsupervised Multi-Spectral Satellite Image Segmentation Combining Modi fied Mean-Shift and a New Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering Technique Abstract?Unsupervised Multi-Spectral Satellite Image Segmentation Combining Modi fied Mean-Shift and a New Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering Technique. An unsupervised object based segmentation, < Final Year Projects > combining a modified mean-shift (MS) and a novel minimum…

  • Unsupervised segmentation and classification of cervical cell image

    0 out of 5

    Unsupervised segmentation? classification? cervical cell image Abstract?Unsupervised segmentation and classification of cervical cell image. The Pap smear test is a manual screening procedure that is used to detect precancerous changes in cervical cells based on color and shape properties of their nuclei and cytoplasms. Automating < Final Year Projects > this procedure is still an…

  • Unusual Event Detection in Low Resolution Video for enhancing ATM security

    0 out of 5

    Unusual Event Detection in Low Resolution Video for enhancing ATM security Abstract? In real world applications, tracking target in low resolution video is a challenging task because there is loss of discriminative detail in the visual appearance of moving object. The existing methods are mostly based on the enhancement of LR (low resolution) video by…

  • Placeholder

    Use of elliptic curve cryptography for multimedia encryption

    0 out of 5

    Use of elliptic curve cryptography for multimedia encryption Abstract?Use of elliptic curve cryptography for multimedia encryption. The unique characteristics of the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) such as the small key size, fast computations and bandwidth saving make its use attractive for multimedia encryption. In this study, the ECC is used to perform encryption along with…

  • User-Defined Privacy Grid System for Continuous Location-Based Services

    0 out of 5

    User-Defined Privacy Grid System for Continuous Location-Based Services Abstract? User-Defined Privacy Grid System for Continuous Location-Based Services. Location-based services < Final Year Projects 2016 > require users to continuously report their location to a potentially untrusted serverto obtain services based on their location, which can expose them to privacy risks. Unfortunately, existing privacy-preserving techniques for…

  • Using Ant Colony System to Consolidate Multiple Web Applications in a Cloud Environment

    0 out of 5

    Using Ant Colony System to Consolidate Multiple Web Applications in a Cloud Environment Abstract? Using Ant Colony System to Consolidate Multiple Web Applications in a Cloud Environment. Infrastructure as a Service < Final Year Projects 2016 > IaaS clouds provide virtual machines(VMs) under a pay-per-use business model, which can be used to create a dynamically…

  • Using Crowdsourcing to Provide QoS for Mobile Cloud Computing

    0 out of 5

    Using Crowdsourcing to Provide QoS for Mobile Cloud Computing Abstract?Using Crowdsourcing to Provide QoS for Mobile Cloud Computing.Quality of cloud service QoS < Final Year Projects 2016 > is one of the crucial factors for the success of cloud providers in mobile cloud computing. Context-awareness is a popular method for automatic awareness of the mobile…

  • Using Data Mining Techniques for Detecting Terror-Related Activities on the Web

    0 out of 5

    Using Data Mining Techniques for Detecting Terror-Related Activities on the Web Abstract? Using Data Mining Techniques for Detecting Terror-Related Activities on the Web. An innovative knowledge-based methodology for terrorist detection by using Web traffic content as the audit information is presented. The proposed methodology learns the typical behavior (?profile?) of terrorists by applying a data…

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