Showing 445–456 of 1911 results

  • Placeholder

    CDAMA: Concealed Data Aggregation Scheme for Multiple Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks

    0 out of 5

    CDAMA: Concealed Data Aggregation Scheme for Multiple Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract? wireless sensor networks, data aggregation scheme that reduces a large amount of transmission is the most practical technique. In previous studies, homomorphic encryptions have been applied to conceal communication during aggregation such that enciphered data can be aggregated algebraically without decryption. Since…

  • CDAMA: Concealed Data Aggregation Scheme for Multiple Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks

    0 out of 5

    CDAMA: Concealed Data Aggregation Scheme for Multiple Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract? For wireless sensor networks, data aggregation scheme that reduces a large amount of transmission is the most practical technique. In previous studies, homomorphic encryptions have been applied to conceal communication during aggregation such that enciphered data can be aggregated algebraically without decryption….

  • CEDAR: A Low-Latency and Distributed Strategy for Packet Recovery in Wireless Networks

    0 out of 5

    CEDAR: A Low-Latency and Distributed Strategy for Packet Recovery in Wireless Networks Abstract? Underlying link-layer protocols of well-established wireless networks that use the conventional ?store-and-forward? design paradigm cannot provide highly sustainable reliability and stability in wireless communication, which introduce signi?cant barriers and setbacks in scalability and deployments of wireless networks. In this paper, we propose…

  • Centralized and Distributed Protocols for Tracker-Based Dynamic Swarm Management

    0 out of 5

    Centralized and Distributed Protocols for Tracker-Based Dynamic Swarm Management Abstract? Centralized and Distributed Protocols for Tracker-Based Dynamic Swarm Management. With BitTorrent, efficient peer upload utilization is achieved by splitting contents into many small pieces, each of which may be downloaded from different peers within the same swarm. Unfortunately, piece and bandwidth availability may cause the…

  • Centralized resource information for old age home

    0 out of 5

    Centralized resource information for old age home Abstract?Centralized resource information for old age home. We present design and implementation of CyPhyS+, a comprehensive, low-cost and standard complaint Cyber-Physical System for remote health monitoring of elderly staying in old age homes. It is an end-to-end 6LoWPAN based healthcare system, which provides reliable and secured medical data…

  • Placeholder

    Centroid Ratio for a Pairwise Random Swap Clustering Algorithm

    0 out of 5

    Centroid Ratio for a Pairwise Random Swap Clustering Algorithm Abstract?Centroid Ratio for a Pairwise Random Swap Clustering Algorithm. Clustering algorithm and cluster validity are two highly correlated parts in cluster analysis. In this paper, a novel idea for cluster validity and a clustering algorithm based on the validity index are introduced. A Centroid Ratio is…

  • Channel Estimation/Equalization with Adaptive Modulation and Coding over Multipath Faded Channels for WiMAX

    0 out of 5

    Channel Estimation/Equalization with Adaptive Modulation and Coding over Multipath Faded Channels for WiMAX Abstract? Channel Estimation/Equalization with Adaptive Modulation and Coding over Multipath Faded Channels for WiMAX. Different order modulations combined with different coding schemes, allow sending more bits per symbol, thus achieving higher throughputs and better spectral efficiencies. However, it must also be noted…

  • Placeholder

    Channel Quantization Using Constellation Based Codebooks for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM

    0 out of 5

    Channel Quantization Using Constellation Based Codebooks for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Abstract?Channel Quantization Using Constellation Based Codebooks for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM. In this paper, we propose clustered quantization techniques for multiuser multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) using constellation based codebooks. Constellation based codebooks provide scalability and efficient codeword search capability, < Final Year Projects > which…

  • Channel-Aware Opportunistic Transmission Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Wireless Links

    0 out of 5

    Channel-Aware Opportunistic Transmission Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Wireless Links Abstract– Channel-Aware Opportunistic Transmission Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Wireless Links. The limited battery lifetime of a wireless device, which is directly related to the power consumption of the device, imposes a constraint on network performance. Thus, one of the most significant objectives in wireless communication networks is to…

  • CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability

    0 out of 5

    CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability Abstract? CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability. Nowadays, more and more enterprises and organizations are hosting their data into the cloud, in order to reduce the IT maintenance cost and enhance the data reliability. However, facing the numerous cloud vendors as…

  • Placeholder

    CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability

    0 out of 5

    CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability Abstract? More and more enterprises and organizations are hosting their data into the cloud, in order to reduce the IT maintenance cost and enhance the data reliability. However, facing the numerous cloud vendors as well as their heterogenous pricing policies, customers may well be perplexed…

  • Chatting Application Using Google Cloud Messaging

    0 out of 5

    Chatting Application Using Google Cloud Messaging Abstract? Chat Application using Google Cloud Messaging.A GCM implementation includes a Google connection server, an app server in your environment that interacts with the connection server via HTTP or XMPP protocol, and a client app. Google GCM Connection Servers take messages from your app server and send them to…

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