Balancing Blocks for Distributed File System in Clouds by Using Load Rebalancing Algoritham Abstract? : Balancing Blocks for Distributed File System in Clouds by Using Load Rebalancing Algoritham. Distributed file systems are key building blocks for cloud computing applications based on the MapReduce programming paradigm. In such file systems, nodes simultaneously serve computing and storage…
Balancing performance accuracy precision secure cloud transaction Abstract?Balancing performance accuracy precision secure cloud transaction. In distributed transactional database systems deployed over cloud servers, entities cooperate to form proofs of authorizations that are justified by collections of certified credentials. These proofs and credentials may be evaluated and collected over extended time periods under the risk of…
Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions Abstract?In distributed transactional database systems deployed over cloud servers, entities cooperate to form proofs of authorizations that are justified by collections of certified credentials. These proofs and credentials may be evaluated and collected over extended time periods under the risk of having the underlying authorization policies…
Balancing throughput and response time in online scientific Clouds via Ant Colony Optimization (SP2013/2013/00006) Abstract? Balancing throughput and response time in online scientific Clouds via Ant Colony Optimization < Final Year Projects 2016 > SP2013/2013/00006. The Cloud Computing paradigm focuses on the provisioning of reliable and scalable infrastructures (Clouds) delivering execution and storage services. The…
Bank Transaction Process Abstract?Bank Transaction Process. In a rapidly evolving world financial transactions opportunities have become inseparably linked with advanced Information Technology. This paper presents the integration of a NFC (Near Field Communication) enabled mobile wallet with a NFC enabled payment card as a next generation smart transaction. The objective of the research is to…
Bayesian classifier for multi-oriented video text recognition system Abstract? Developing an automatic system for recognizing video texts such as signboards, street names, room numbers, building names and hotels names is challenging due to low resolution, complex background, font or font size variations, and multiple orientations of texts. In this paper, we develop a new system…
Bayesian Networks For Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Software Engineering Abstract?Bayesian Networks For Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Software Engineering. Recommendation systems in software engineering (SE) should be designed to integrate evidence into practitioners experience. Bayesian networks (BNs) provide a natural statistical framework for evidence-based decision-making by incorporating an integrated summary of the available evidence and associated uncertainty (of…
BDCaM: Big Data for Context-aware Monitoring – A Personalized Knowledge Discovery Framework for Assisted Healthcare Abstract? BDCaM: Big Data for Context-aware Monitoring – A Personalized Knowledge Discovery Framework for Assisted Healthcare. Context-aware monitoring is an emerging technology that provides real-time personalised health-care services and a rich area of big data application. In this paper, we…
Beamforming for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Interference Channels With Multipath Diversity Abstract? Designs for multiuser multiple-input and multiple-output with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, where the tDransmit and receive beamformers are obtained iteratively with closed-form steps. In the ?rst case, the transmit < Final Year Proejcts 2016 > Tx beamformers are set and the receive (Rx) beamformers are calculated….
Bestpeer++:Peer to peer Based large scale data processing platform Abstract?Bestpeer++:Peer to peer Based large scale data processing platform. The corporate network is often used for sharing information among the participating companies and facilitating collaboration in a certain industry sector where companies share a common interest. It can effectively help the companies to reduce their operational…
Bidding Strategies for Spot Instances in Cloud Computing Markets Abstract? The response patterns, i.e., some items are rated while others not, are generally ignored. We argue that failing to observe such response patterns can lead to biased parameter estimation and sub-optimal model performance. Although several pieces of work have tried to model users’ response patterns,…
Big Data, Big Knowledge: Big Data for Personalized Healthcare Abstract? Big Data, Big Knowledge: Big Data for Personalized Healthcare. The idea that the purely phenomenological knowledge that we can extract by analyzing large amounts of data can be useful in healthcare seems to contradict the desire of VPH researchers to build detailed mechanistic models for…