Showing 325–336 of 1911 results

  • Answering Pattern Queries Using Views

    0 out of 5

    Answering Pattern Queries Using Views Abstract? Answering Pattern Queries Using Views. Answering queries using views has proven effective for querying relational and semi-structured data. This paper investigates this issue for graph pattern queries based on graph simulation. We propose a notion of pattern containment to characterize graph pattern matching using graph pattern views. We show…

  • Ant Colony Optimization for Software Project Scheduling and Staffing with an Event-Based Scheduler

    0 out of 5

    Ant Colony Optimization for Software Project Scheduling and Staffing with an Event-Based Scheduler Abstract?Research into developing effective computer aided techniques for planning software projects is important and challenging for software engineering. Different from projects in other fields, software projects are people-intensive activities and their related resources are mainly human resources. Thus, an adequate model for…

  • Placeholder

    Apartment Management System

    0 out of 5

    Apartment Management System Abstract? Apartment Management System. We have conducted investigations into the system architecture and an appliance control interface for an “Apartment Management System” (AMS). “Agent Modules” architecture and a low-cost interface have been proposed. The results are incorporated into an “AMS”, which can build a Facility-Management System “(FIMS)” < Final Year Projects >…

  • Apartment management system

    0 out of 5

    Apartment management system Abstract?Apartment management system. Aggregators in smart grid are business operators providing services to aggregate and visualize electricity information, balance demand and supply, < Final Year Projects > reduce energy consumption, and do the other activities with Energy Management Systems (EMSs). An aggregator for Apartment Building Energy Management Systems (Apartment-BEMSs) balances demand and…

  • Application Checkpointing in Grid Environment with Improved Checkpoint Reliability through Replication

    0 out of 5

    Application Checkpointing in Grid Environment with Improved Checkpoint Reliability through Replication Abstract?Grid technologies are emerging as the next generation of distributed computing, allowing the aggregation of heterogeneous resources that are geographically distributed. The heterogeneous nature of the grid makes it more vulnerable to faults which lead to either the failure of the job or delay…

  • Placeholder

    Application of classification algorithms for analysis of road safety risk factor dependencies

    0 out of 5

    Application of classification algorithms for analysis of road safety risk factor dependencies Abstract?Application of classification algorithms for analysis of road safety risk factor dependencies. Transportation continues to be an integral < Final Year Projects > part of modern life, and the importance of road traffic safety cannot be overstated. Consequently, recent road traffic safety studies…

  • Application-Aware Local-Global Source Deduplication for Cloud Backup Services of Personal Storage

    0 out of 5

    Application-Aware Local-Global Source Deduplication for Cloud Backup Services of Personal Storage Abstract?Application-Aware Local-Global Source Deduplication for Cloud Backup Services of Personal Storage. In personal computing devices that rely on a cloud storage environment for data backup, an imminent challenge facing source deduplication for cloud backup services is the low deduplication efficiency due to a combination…

  • Application-Aware Topology Reconfiguration for On-Chip Networks

    0 out of 5

    Application-Aware Topology Reconfiguration for On-Chip Networks Abstract? Application-Aware Topology Reconfiguration for On-Chip Networks. In this paper, we present a reconfigurable architecture for networks-on-chip (NoC) on which arbitrary application-specific topologies can be implemented. When a new application starts, < Final Year Projects > the proposed NoC tailors its topology to the application traffic pattern by changing…

  • Application-Driven End-to-End Traffic Predictions for Low Power NoC Design

    0 out of 5

    Application-Driven End-to-End Traffic Predictions for Low Power NoC Design Abstract? Application-Driven End-to-End Traffic Predictions for Low Power NoC Design. As chip multiprocessors keep increasing the number of cores on the chip, the network-on-chip (NoC) technology is becoming essential for interconnecting the cores. While NoCs result in noticeable performance boost over conventional bus systems, they consume…

  • Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Disaster Information Management Challenges on Mobile Devices

    0 out of 5

    Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Disaster Information Management Challenges on Mobile Devices Abstract?Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Disaster Information Management Challenges on Mobile Devices. The rapid proliferation of personal wearable as well as embedded devices point to the emergence of networks of unprecedented size and complexity in the near future. Unfortunately, traditional network…

  • Applying Network Coding to Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

    0 out of 5

    Applying Network Coding to Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Abstract?Network coding is a promising enhancement of routing to improve network throughput and provide high reliability. It allows a node to generate output messages by encoding its received messages. Peer-to-peer networks are a perfect place to apply network coding due to two reasons: the topology of a peer-to-peer…

  • Applying Network Coding to Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

    0 out of 5

    Applying Network Coding to Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Abstract? Applying Network Coding to Peer-to-Peer File Sharing. Network coding is a promising enhancement of routing to improve network throughput and provide high reliability. It allows a node to generate output messages by encoding its received messages. Peer-to-peer networks area perfect place to apply network coding due to…

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