An Expert System to Distinguish a Defective eye from a Normal eye Abstract?An Expert System to Distinguish a Defective eye from a Normal eye. Eyes are the organs of vision. Detection of most common differentiating characteristics of eye diseases from the fundus images of the retina can be a good approach as an automatic and…
An Explicit Shape-Constrained MRF-Based Contour Evolution Method for 2-D Medical Image Segmentation Abstract?An Explicit Shape-Constrained MRF-Based Contour Evolution Method for 2-D Medical Image Segmentation. Image segmentation is, in general, an ill-posed < Final Year Projects > problem and additional constraints need to be imposed in order to achieve the desired segmentation result. While segmenting organs…
An FPGA Architecture Design of Parameter-Adaptive Real-Time Image Processing System for Edge Detection Abstract– An FPGA Architecture Design of Parameter-Adaptive Real-Time Image Processing System for Edge Detection. In this paper we present an FPGA architecture design of parameter-adaptive real-time image processing system for edge detection. The system contains two edge detection algorithms which are suitable…
An FPGA Chip Identification Generator UsingConfigurable Ring Oscillators Abstract-An FPGA Chip Identification Generator UsingConfigurable Ring Oscillators. Physically unclonable functions (PUF) are commonly used in applications such as hardware security and intellectual property protection. Various PUF implementation techniques have been proposed to translate chip-specific variations into a unique binary string. It is difficult to maintain repeatability…
An Implantable Versatile Electrode-Driving ASIC for Chronic Epidural Stimulation in Rats Abstract?The design and testing of an electrode driving application speci?c integrated circuit < Final Year Projects 2016 > ASIC intended for epidural spinal cord electrical stimulation in rats. The ASIC can deliver up to 1 mA fully programmable monophasic or biphasic stimulus current pulses,…
An Improved Direct AC?AC Converter for Voltage Sag Mitigation Abstract? An Improved Direct AC?AC Converter for Voltage Sag Mitigation. Dynamic voltage restorer < Final Year Projects 2016 > is a definitive solution toward compensation of voltage sag with phase jump. Conventional DVR topologies, however, have dc links and two-stage power conversions. This increases its size,…
An Improved Inverted LSB Image Steganography Abstract?An Improved Inverted LSB Image Steganography, In this paper, an improvement in the plain LSB based image steganography is proposed and implemented. The paper proposes the use of bit inversion technique to improve the stego-image quality. Two schemes of the bit inversion techniques are proposed and implemented. In these…
An Improved MPPT Controller for Photovoltaic System Under Partial Shading Condition Abstract? Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is an integral part of a system of energy conversion using photovoltaic (PV) arrays. The power-voltage characteristic of PV arrays operating under partial shading conditions exhibits multiple local maximum power points (LMPPs). In this paper, a new method…
An Incremental and Distributed Inference Method for Large-Scale Ontologies Based on MapReduce Paradigm Abstract?With the upcoming data deluge of semantic data, the fast growth of ontology bases has brought significant challenges in performing efficient and scalable reasoning. Traditional centralized reasoning methods are not sufficient to process large ontologies. Distributed reasoning methods are thus required to…
An Inference-Based Framework to Manage Data Provenance in Geoscience Applications Abstract? An Inference-Based Framework to Manage Data Provenance in Geoscience Applications. Data provenance allows scientists to validate their model as well as to investigate the origin of an unexpected value. Furthermore, it can be used as a replication recipe for output data products. However, capturing…
An Inpainting-Assisted Reversible Steganographic Scheme Using a Histogram Shifting Mechanism Abstract?An Inpainting-Assisted Reversible Steganographic Scheme Using a Histogram Shifting Mechanism. In this paper, we propose a novel prediction-based reversible steganographic scheme based on image inpainting. First, reference pixels are chosen adaptively according to the distribution characteristics of the image content. Then, the image inpainting technique…
An Integrated Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition Framework Abstract? An Integrated Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition Framework. A theoretical analysis of graph-based service composition in terms of its dependency with service discovery. Driven by this analysis we define a composition framework by means of integration with fine-grained I/O service discovery that enables the…