Showing 1765–1776 of 1911 results

  • Texture Classification Using Dense Micro-Block Difference

    0 out of 5

    Texture Classification Using Dense Micro-Block Difference Abstract?This paper is devoted to the problem of texture classification. Motivated by recent advancements in the field of compressive sensing and keypoints descriptors, a set of novel features called dense micro-block difference (DMD) is proposed. < final year projects > [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code…

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    Texture Classification Using Rotation- and Scale-Invariant Gabor Texture Features

    0 out of 5

    Texture Classification Using Rotation- and Scale-Invariant Gabor Texture Features Abstract? This letter introduces a novel approach to rotation and scale invariant texture classification. The proposed approach is based on Gabor filters that have the capability to collapse the filter responses according to the scale and orientation of the textures. These characteristics are exploited to first…

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    Texture Enhanced Histogram Equalization Using TV-L1 Image Decomposition

    0 out of 5

    Texture Enhanced Histogram Equalization Using TV-L1 Image Decomposition Abstract?Histogram transformation defines a class of image processing operations that are widely applied in the implementation of data normalization algorithms. In this paper, we present a new variational approach for image enhancement that is constructed to alleviate the intensity saturation effects that are introduced by standard contrast…

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    The Adaptive Clustering Method for the Long Tail Problem of Recommender Systems

    0 out of 5

    The Adaptive Clustering Method for the Long Tail Problem of Recommender Systems Abstract? the long tail problem of recommender systems when many items in the long tail have only a few ratings, thus making it hard to use them in recommender systems. < Final Year Project >The approach presented in this paper clusters items according…

  • The Beauty of the Commons: Optimal Load Sharing by Base Station Hopping in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The Beauty of the Commons: Optimal Load Sharing by Base Station Hopping in Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract? The Beauty of the Commons: Optimal Load Sharing by Base Station Hopping in Wireless Sensor Networks. In wireless sensor networks < WSNs >, the base station (BS) is a critical sensor node whose failure causes severe data losses….

  • The Capacity of Wireless CSMA/CA Networks

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    The Capacity of Wireless CSMA/CA Networks Abstract? The Capacity of Wireless CSMA/CA Networks. a poor understanding of the interactions among transmitters < Final Year Projects 2016 > wireless networks using carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) have been commonly stigmatized as unpredictable in nature. Even elementary questions regarding the throughput limitations of these…

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    THE IMPORTANCE OF TRADE MARKETING ON MANAGEMENT Abstract? THE IMPORTANCE OF TRADE MARKETING ON MANAGEMENT. Bulk commodity electronic trading market with a large amount of turnover, low barriers to entry, an uneven distribution of geographical boundaries and still immature laws and regulations, brings a certain amount of financial risks to market transactions and makes the…

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    The Integrated Surface Drought Index (ISDI) as an Indicator for Agricultural Drought Monitoring: Theory, Validation, and Application in

    0 out of 5

    The Integrated Surface Drought Index (ISDI) as an Indicator for Agricultural Drought Monitoring: Theory, Validation, and Application in Abstract?Based on the concept of the new drought index called Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI) using data-mining technology, an Integrated Surface Drought Index (ISDI) was established in this study. ISDI improved the original model, adding remote sensed…

  • The LUT-SR Family of Uniform Random Number Generators for FPGA Architectures

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    The LUT-SR Family of Uniform Random Number Generators for FPGA Architectures Abstract-The LUT-SR Family of Uniform Random Number Generators for FPGA Architectures. Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) optimized random number generators (RNGs) are more resource-efficient than software-optimized RNGs because they can take advantage of bitwise operations and FPGA-specific features. However, it is difficult to concisely describe…

  • The Mason Test: A Defense Against Sybil Attacks in Wireless Networks Without Trusted Authorities

    0 out of 5

    The Mason Test: A Defense Against Sybil Attacks in Wireless Networks Without Trusted Authorities Abstract?The Mason Test: A Defense Against Sybil Attacks in Wireless Networks WithoutTrusted Authorities. Wireless networks are vulnerable to Sybil attacks, in which a malicious node poses as many identities in order to gain disproportionate in?uence. Many defenses based on spatial variability…

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    The Role Of Hubness For Clustering High Dimensional Data

    0 out of 5

    The Role Of Hubness For Clustering High Dimensional Data Abstract?The Role Of Hubness For Clustering High Dimensional Data. High-dimensional data arise naturally in many domains, and have regularly presented a great < Final Year Projects > challenge for traditional data mining techniques, both in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Clustering becomes difficult due to the…

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    The Role of Hubness in Clustering High-Dimensional Data

    0 out of 5

    The Role of Hubness in Clustering High-Dimensional Data Abstract? The Role of Hubness in Clustering High-Dimensional Data. High-dimensional data arise naturally in many domains, and have regularly presented a great challenge for traditional data mining techniques, both in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Clustering becomes difficult due to the increasing sparsity of such data, as…

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