SMS Classification Based on Na?ve Bayes Classifier and Apriori Algorithm Frequent Itemset Abstract?SMS Classification Based on Na?ve Bayes Classifier and Apriori Algorithm Frequent Itemset. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised methodology to detect spam or ham SMSs, using frequent item set mining algorithm Apriori, probabilistic model Naive Bayes and ensemble learning. This paper…
Snort Port Scan Abstract? Snort Port Scan. Cloud Computing is becoming a promising technology for processing a huge chunk of data. Hence, its security aspect has drawn the attentions of researchers and academician. The security of the cloud environment must be reliable as well as scalable. The cloud environment is vulnerable to many security attacks….
Social cloud compute:Allocating and sharing Infrastructure resources via social networks Abstract?With the increasingly ubiquitous nature of Social networks and Cloud computing, users are exploring new ways to interact with, and exploit these paradigms. Social networks are used to reflect real world relationships that allow users to share information and form connections between one another. Leveraging…
Social Recommendation with Cross-Domain Transferable Knowledge Abstract? Social Recommendation with Cross-Domain Transferable Knowledge. Recommender systems can suffer from data sparsity and cold start issues. However, social networks, which enable users to build relationships and create different types of items, present an unprecedented opportunity to alleviate these issues. In this paper, we represent a social network…
Social-Aware Video Multicast Based on Device-to-Device Communications Abstract? Social-Aware Video Multicast Based on Device-to-Device Communications. To meet the explosive demand on delivering high-de?nition video steams over cellular networks, we design a Social-aware video multiCast < SoCast > system leveraging device-to-device (D2D) communications. One salient feature of SoCast is to stimulate effective cooperation among mobile users…
Software Puzzle: A Countermeasure to Resource-Inflated Denial-of-Service Attacks Abstract? Software Puzzle: A Countermeasure to Resource-Inflated Denial-of-Service Attacks. Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed DoS < Final Year Projects 2016 > DDoS are among the major threats to cyber-security, and client puzzle, which demands a client to perform computationally expensive operations before being granted services from a server,…
Soil Classification Using Data Mining Techniques: A Comparative Study Abstract? Soil Classification Using Data Mining Techniques: A Comparative Study. Data driven approaches are gaining popularity in the field of condition monitoring due to their knowledge based fault identification < Final Year Projects > capability for wide range of motor operation. Particularly the method, based on…
Solid waste management Abstract? Solid waste management. Solid waste management has been a leading concern for all the developing countries. It poses serious threats in terms of environmental damage, health hazards and economic cascade. There has to be apt planning for proper waste management by analyzing the area and its waste situation. This paper deals…
Sorted Consecutive Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification Abstract? Sorted Consecutive Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification. a sorted consecutive local binary pattern < Final Year Projects 2016 > for texture classification. Conventional methods encode only patterns whose spatial transitions are not more than two, whereas scLBP encodes patterns regardless of their spatial transition. Conventional…
SPA: A Secure and Private Auction Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks Abstract? SPA: A Secure and Private Auction Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks. The security and privacy threats on e-commerce have attracted intensive attention recently. The explosive growth of online social networks OSNs < Final Year Projects 2016 > has made them potential…
Spatial Entropy-Based Global and Local Image Contrast Enhancement Abstract?Spatial Entropy-Based Global and Local Image Contrast Enhancement. This paper proposes a novel algorithm, which enhances the contrast of an input image using spatial information of pixels. The algorithm introduces a new method to compute the spatial entropy of pixels using spatial distribution of pixel gray levels….