Showing 1561–1572 of 1941 results

  • Revocable and Scalable Certificateless Remote Authentication Protocol With Anonymity for Wireless Body Area Networks

    0 out of 5

    Revocable and Scalable Certificateless Remote Authentication Protocol With Anonymity for Wireless Body Area Networks Abstract? Revocable and Scalable Certificateless Remote Authentication Protocol With Anonymity for Wireless Body Area Networks. To ensure the security and privacy of the patient?s health status in the wireless body area networks < Final Year Projects 2016 > WBANs., it is…

  • Placeholder

    RFID based tollgate collection system

    0 out of 5

    RFID based tollgate collection system Abstract?RFID based tollgate collection system. A customized radio frequency identification (RFID)-based sensor system is proposed to achieve reliable data collection and transmission between downhole and ground for the intelligent oilwell. In this paper, the overall system architecture is introduced first, and then, the corresponding hardware systems are designed in detail….

  • Rich Receiver initial client head multicast approach for grid application

    0 out of 5

    Rich Receiver initial client head multicast approach for grid application Abstract? Rich Receiver initial client head multicast approach for grid application Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video Tutorials Supporting Softwares [/numbers_sections] [numbers_sections number=”2″…

  • Placeholder

    RIHT:A Novel Hybrid ip tracebackscheme

    0 out of 5

    RIHT:A Novel Hybrid ip tracebackscheme Abstract? Because the Internet has been widely applied in various fields, more and more network security issues emerge and catch people’s attention.< Final Year Project > However, adversaries often hide themselves by spoofing their own IP addresses and then launch attacks. For this reason, researchers have proposed a lot of…

  • Risk Aware Query Replacement Approach For Secure Databases Performance Management

    0 out of 5

    Risk Aware Query Replacement Approach For Secure Databases Performance Management Abstract?Risk Aware Query Replacement Approach For Secure Databases Performance Management. Large amount of data and increased demand to extract, < Final Year Projects > analyze and derive knowledge from data are impairing nowadays performance of enterprise mission-critical systems such as databases. For databases, the challenging…

  • Risk Aware Query Replacement Approach For Secure Databases Performance Management

    0 out of 5

    Risk Aware Query Replacement Approach For Secure Databases Performance Management Abstract?Risk Aware Query Replacement Approach For Secure Databases Performance Management. Large amount of data and increased demand to extract,analyze and derive knowledge from data are impairing nowadays performance of enterprise mission-critical systems such as databases.For databases,the challenging problem is to manage complex and sometimes non-optimized…

  • Road-Network Aware Trajectory Clustering: Integrating Locality, Flow, and Density

    0 out of 5

    Road-Network Aware Trajectory Clustering: Integrating Locality, Flow, and Density Abstract? Mining trajectory data has been gaining signi?cant interest in recent years. However, existing approaches to trajectory clustering are mainly based on density and Euclidean distance measures. We argue that when the utility of spatial clustering of mobile object trajectories is targeted focused < Final Year…

  • Robinhood: Towards Efficient Work-stealing in Virtualized Environments

    0 out of 5

    Robinhood: Towards Efficient Work-stealing in Virtualized Environments Abstract?Robinhood: Towards Efficient Work-stealing in Virtualized Environments. A common user-level task scheduler for managing and scheduling tasks of multith readed applications,suffers from inefficiency in virtualized environments, because the steal attempts of thief threads may waste CPU cycles that could be otherwise used by busy threads.This paper contributes a…

  • Placeholder

    Robust and Effective Component-Based Banknote Recognition for the Blind

    0 out of 5

    Robust and Effective Component-Based Banknote Recognition for the Blind Abstract?Robust and Effective Component-Based Banknote Recognition for the Blind. We develop a novel camera-based computer vision technology to automatically recognize banknotes to assist visually impaired people. Our banknote recognition system is robust and effective with the following features: 1) high accuracy: high true recognition rate and…

  • Placeholder

    Robust Automatic Line Scratch Detection in Films

    0 out of 5

    Robust Automatic Line Scratch Detection in Films Abstract?Robust Automatic Line Scratch Detection in Films. Line scratch detection in old films is a particularly challenging problem due to the variable spatiotemporal characteristics of this defect. Some of the main problems include sensitivity to noise and texture, < Final Year Projects > and false detections due to…

  • Robust cloud management of MANET checkpoint sessions

    0 out of 5

    Robust cloud management of MANET checkpoint sessions Abstract? Robust cloud management of MANET checkpoint sessions.In a traditional mobile ad-hoc network < Final Year Projects 2016 > MANET, if two nodes are engaged in a session and one of them departs suddenly, their communication is aborted. The session is not active any more, work is lost…

  • Robust Control for Microgrid Frequency Deviation Reduction With Attached Storage System

    0 out of 5

    Robust Control for Microgrid Frequency Deviation Reduction With Attached Storage System Abstract? Robust Control for Microgrid Frequency Deviation Reduction With Attached Storage System. We propose a robust control strategy for reducing system frequency deviation, caused by load ?uctuation and renewable sources, in a smart microgrid system with attached storage. Frequency deviations are associated with renewable…

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