A Methodology for Direct and Indirect Discrimination Prevention in Data Mining Abstract? Data mining is an increasingly important technology for extracting useful knowledge hidden in large collections of data. There are, however, negative social perceptions about data mining, among which potential privacy invasion and potential discrimination. The latter consists of unfairly treating people on the…
A Modified Back propagation Learning Algorithm With Added Emotional Coefficients Abstract?Much of the research work into artificial intelligence (AI) has been focusing on exploring various potential applications of intelligent systems with successful results in most cases. In our attempts to model human intelligence< Final Year Project >by mimicking the brain structure and function, we overlook…
A new approach to video-Based traffic surveillance using Fuzzy Hybrid Information Inference Mechanism Abstract?This study proposes a new approach to video-based traffic surveillance using a fuzzy hybrid information inference mechanism (FHIIM). The three major contributions of the proposed approach are background updating, vehicle detection with block-based segmentation, and vehicle tracking with error compensation. During background…
A New Coding Mode for Hybrid Video Coders Based on Quantized Motion Vectors AbstractThe rate allocation tradeoff between motion vectors and transform coefficients has a major importance when it comes to efficient video compression. This paper introduces a new coding mode for an H.264/AVC-like video coder, which improves the management of this resource allocation. The…
A NOVEL FACTS COMPENSATION SCHEME FOR POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN WIND SMART GRID Abstract? presents a novel FACTS based Static Switched Filter Compensation (SSFC) scheme. This FACTS SSFC scheme is an effective power quality mitigation, voltage stabilization, power losses reduction and power factor enhancement tool for wind schemes interfaced with Smart Grid-Distribution Networks. The FACTS…
A Protocol for Evaluating Video Trackers Under Real-World Conditions Abstract?The absence of a commonly adopted performance evaluation framework is hampering advances in the design of effective video trackers. < Final Year Projects > In this paper, we present a single-score evaluation measure and a protocol to objectively compare trackers. The proposed measure evaluates tracking accuracy…
A Proxy-Based Approach to Continuous Location-Based Spatial Queries in Mobile Environments Abstract? Caching valid regions of spatial queries at mobile clients is effective in reducing the number of queries submitted by mobile clients and query load on the server. However, mobile clients suffer from longer waiting time for the server to compute valid regions. We…
A Research of Feature-based Image Mosaic Algorithm Abstract?Due to the stitching precision and speed of existing image mosaicing technique, this paper summarizes three common based on Feature matching algorithm: Harris corner detection algorithm, SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm, SURF ( Speeded-Up Robust Features ) algorithm. This paper describes the principle of three algorithm respectively….
A Rough-Set-Based Incremental Approach for Updating Approximations under Dynamic Maintenance Environments Abstract?Approximations of a concept by a variable precision rough-set model (VPRS) usually vary under a dynamic information system environment. It is thus effective to carry out incremental updating approximations by utilizing previous data structures.< Final Year Project > This paper focuses on a new…
A Secret-Sharing-Based Method for Authentication of Grayscale Document Images via the Use of the PNG Image With a Data Repair Capability Abstract? A new blind authentication method based on the secret sharing technique with a data repair capability for grayscale document images via the use of the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image is proposed. An…
A Secured Authentication System for MANETs using voice and Fingerprint Biometrics Abstract?Mobile Adhoc NETworks (MANET) are collections of wireless mobile devices with restricted broadcast range and resources and communication is achieved by relaying data along appropriate routes that are dynamically discovered and maintained through collaboration between the nodes. MANET is a self configuring, dynamic, multi…
A Segmentation and Graph-based Sequence Matching Method for Video Copy Detection Abstract? We propose in this paper a segmentation and graph-based video sequence matching method for video copy detection. Specifically, due to the good stability and discriminative ability of local features, we use SIFT descriptor for video content description. However, matching based on SIFT descriptor…