TRACON: Interference-Aware Schedulingfor Data-Intensive Applicationsin Virtualized Environments Abstract? TRACON: Interference-Aware Schedulingfor Data-Intensive Applicationsin Virtualized Environments. Large-scale data centers leverage virtualization technology to achieve excellent resource utilization, scalability, and high availability. Ideally, the performance of an application running inside a virtual machine (VM) shall be independent of co-located applications and VMs that share the physical machine….
Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks Abstract?Software Defined Networking is a new networking paradigm that separates the network control plane from the packet forwarding plane and provides applications with an abstracted centralized view of the distributed network state. A logically centralized controller that has a global network view is responsible for all the control decisions…
Traffic Sign Recognition for Intelligent Vehicle/Driver Assistance System Using Neural Network on OpenCV Abstract? Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) is used to regulate traffic signs, warn a driver, and command or prohibit certain actions. A fast real-time and robust automatic traffic sign detection and recognition can support and disburden the driver and significantly increase driving safety…
Traffic Signal Detection Abstract?Traffic Signal Detection. Due to random arrivals of primary user signals, their timing misalignment issue should be considered for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio (CR) systems, such as CR based femtocell networks. To deal with this issue in the literature, two approaches were recommended, including Bayesian and generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT)…
Training And Placement Portal Abstract?Training And Placement Portal. It is an uphill task for students to decide which internship offer to accept because of lack of knowledge about the potential company and the unavailability of information about the job offers. In this paper, < Final Year Projects > Mashup for Internship Placement (MIP) system for…
Transactions Briefs Computing Seeds for LFSR-Based Test Generation From Nontest Cubes Abstract?In test data compression methods that are based on the use of a linear-feedback shift register (LFSR), a seed that produces a test for a target fault is computed based on a test cube for the fault. With a given LFSR, a seed may…
Transparent Real-Time Task Scheduling on Temporal Resource Partitions Abstract? Transparent Real-Time Task Scheduling on Temporal Resource Partitions. The Hierarchical Real-Time Scheduling < Final Year Projects 2016 > technique helps improve overall resource utilization in real-time embedded systems. With HiRTS, a computation resource is divided into a group of temporal resource partitions, each of which accommodates…
Travel & Tourism Abstract?Travel & Tourism. With the advent of Leisure Economy Times and the popularization of cars, besides being used for daily commute and business travel, private cars are playing an important role in recreational activities on weekends and holidays which is called urban self-driving tourism in China. To understand the behavioral characteristics of…
Tree Leaves Extraction in Natural Images: Comparative Study of Preprocessing Tools and Segmentation Methods Abstract? Tree Leaves Extraction in Natural Images: Comparative Study of Preprocessing Tools and Segmentation Methods. we propose a comparative study of various segmentation methods applied to the extraction of tree leaves from natural images. This study follows the design of a…
TREE-METRICS GRAPH CUTS FOR BRAIN MRI SEGMENTATION WITH TREE CUTTING Abstract?We tackle the problem of brain MRI image segmentation using the tree-metric graph cuts (TM) algorithm, a novel image segmentation algorithm, and introduce a ?tree-cutting? method to interpret the labeling returned by the TM algorithm as tissue classification for the input brain MRI image. The…
Trigger-Wave Asynchronous Cellular Logic Array for Fast Binary Image Processing Abstract? Trigger-Wave Asynchronous Cellular Logic Array for Fast Binary Image Processing. The design and the VLSI implementation of an asynchronous cellular logic array for fast binary image processing. The proposed processor array employs trigger wave propagation and collision detection mechanisms for binary image skeletonization, and…
Trinity on using trinary tree Abstract?Trinity on using trinary tree. Web data extractors are used to extract data from web documents in order to feed automated processes. In this article, we propose a technique that works on two or more web documents generated by the same server-side template and learns a regular expression that models…