Sorted Consecutive Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification Abstract? Sorted Consecutive Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification. a sorted consecutive local binary pattern < Final Year Projects 2016 > for texture classification. Conventional methods encode only patterns whose spatial transitions are not more than two, whereas scLBP encodes patterns regardless of their spatial transition. Conventional…
SPA: A Secure and Private Auction Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks Abstract? SPA: A Secure and Private Auction Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks. The security and privacy threats on e-commerce have attracted intensive attention recently. The explosive growth of online social networks OSNs < Final Year Projects 2016 > has made them potential…
Spatial Entropy-Based Global and Local Image Contrast Enhancement Abstract?Spatial Entropy-Based Global and Local Image Contrast Enhancement. This paper proposes a novel algorithm, which enhances the contrast of an input image using spatial information of pixels. The algorithm introduces a new method to compute the spatial entropy of pixels using spatial distribution of pixel gray levels….
Spatial Query Integrity with Voronoi Neighbors Abstract? Spatial Query Integrity with Voronoi Neighbors. With the popularity of location-based services and the abundant usage of smart phones and GPS-enabled devices, the necessity of outsourcing spatial data has grown rapidly over the past few years. Meanwhile, the fast arising trend of cloud storage and cloud computing services…
Spatially Aware Term Selection For Geo Tagging Abstract?Spatially Aware Term Selection For Geo Tagging. The task of assigning geographic coordinates to textual resources plays an increasingly central role in geographic information retrieval. The ability to select those terms from a given collection < Final Year Projects > that are most indicative of geographic location is…
Spatially Optimized Data-Level Fusion of Texture and Shape for Face Recognition Abstract?Data-level fusion is believed to have the potential for enhancing human face recognition. However, due to a number of challenges, current techniques have failed to achieve its full potential. We propose spatially optimized data/pixel-level fusion of 3-D shape and texture for face recognition. Fusion…
Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection for Video Sequences Based on Random Walk With Restart Abstract? Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection for Video Sequences Based on Random Walk With Restart. A novel saliency detection algorithm for video sequences based on the random walk with restart RWR < Final Year Projects 2016 > is proposed in this paper. We adopt RWR…
Spectrum-Aware Mobility Management in Cognitive Radio Cellular Networks Abstract?Cognitive radio (CR) networks have been proposed as a solution to both spectrum inefficiency and spectrum scarcity problems. However, they face several challenges based on the fluctuating nature of the available spectrum, making it more difficult to support seamless communications, especially in CR cellular networks.< Final Year...
SSD: A Robust RF Location Fingerprint Addressing Mobile Devices? Heterogeneity Abstract? SSD: A Robust RF Location Fingerprint Addressing Mobile Devices? Heterogeneity. Fingerprint-based methods are widely adopted for indoor localization purpose because of their cost-effectiveness compared to other infrastructure-based positioning systems. However, the popular location fingerprint, Received Signal Strength (RSS), is observed to differ significantly across…
Star-Type Architecture with Low Transmission Latency for a 2D Mesh NOC Abstract? Star-Type Architecture with Low Transmission Latency for a 2D Mesh NOC. The 2D mesh network on chip NOC < Final Year Proejcts 2016 > is a popular NOC topology because of network scalability and the use of a simple routing algorithm. However, the…