Applying Network Coding to Peer?to-Peer File Sharing Abstract?Network coding is a promising enhancement of routing to improve network throughput and provide high reliability. It allows a node to generate output messages by encoding its received messages. Peer-to-peer networks are a perfect place to apply network coding due to two reasons: the topology of a peer-to-peer…
Applying ontology using patrol intrusion detection system for wireless sensor network Abstract?A wireless sensor network (WSN) typically consists of a large number of resource constrained sensor nodes. Wireless sensor networks are developed for deployment at locations without infrastructure support which may provide a solution to many applications. < Final Year Projects > WSNs are mostly…
Approximate Radix-8 Booth Multipliers for Low-Power and High-Performance Operation Abstract?The Booth multiplier has been widely used for high performance signed multiplication by encoding and thereby reducing the number of partial products. A multiplier using the radix-4 (or modified Booth) algorithm is very efficient due to the ease of partial product generation, whereas the radix-8 Booth…
Arabic Text Categorization : a Comparative Study Of Different Representation Modes Abstract?The quantity of accessible information on Internet is phenomenal, and its categorization remains one of the most important problems. A lot of work is currently, focused on English rightly since; it s the dominant language of the web. However, a need arises for the…
Area-Delay-Power Efficient Carry-Select Adder Abstract?In this brief, the logic operations involved in conventional carry select adder (CSLA) and binary to excess-1 converter (BEC)-based CSLA are analyzed to study the data dependence and to identify redundant logic operations. We have eliminated all the redundant logic operations present in the conventional CSLA and proposed a new logic…
Area-Delay-Power Efficient Fixed-Point LMS Adaptive Filter With Low Adaptation-Delay Abstract?Area-Delay-Power Efficient Fixed-Point LMS Adaptive Filter With Low Adaptation-Delay. In this paper, we present an efficient architecture for the implementation of a delayed least mean square adaptive filter. For achieving lower adaptation-delay and area-delay-power efficient implementation, we use a novel partial product generator and propose a…
Area-Delay-Power Efficient Fixed-Point LMSAdaptive Filter With Low Adaptation-Delay Abstract-Area-Delay-Power Efficient Fixed-Point LMSAdaptive Filter With Low Adaptation-Delay. In this paper, we present an efficient architecture for the implementation of a delayed least mean square adaptive filter. For achieving lower adaptation-delay and area-delay-power efficient implementation, we use a novel partial product generator and propose a strategy for…
Artificial bee colony algorithm for solving multi-objective optimal power flow problem Abstract?A new and efficient method for solving optimal power flow (OPF) problem in electric power systems. In the proposed approach, artificial bee colony < Final Year Projects 2016 > ABC algorithm is employed as the main optimizer for optimal adjustments of the power system…
Artificial Intelligence-Based Student Learning Evaluation: A Concept Map-Based Approach for Analyzing a Student?s Understanding of a Topic Abstract?Artificial Intelligence-Based Student Learning Evaluation: A Concept Map-Based Approach for Analyzing a Student?s Understanding we describe a tool coined as artificial intelligence-based student learning evaluation tool (AISLE). The main purpose of this tool is to improve the use…
Artificial-Neural-Network-Based Phase-Locking Scheme for Active Power Filters Abstract?Artificial-Neural-Network-Based Phase-Locking Scheme for Active Power Filters. This paper presents a phase-locking control scheme based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) for active power filters (APFs). The proposed phase locking is achieved by estimating the fundamental supply frequency and by generating a phase-locking signal. The nonlinear-least-squares-based approach is modified…
ASIC and FPGA Implementation of the Gaussian Mixture Model Algorithm for Real-Time Segmentation of High Definition video Abstract-ASIC and FPGA Implementation of the Gaussian Mixture Model Algorithm for Real-Time Segmentation of High Definition video. Background identification is a common feature in many video processing systems. This paper proposes two hardware implementations of the OpenCV version…