An Analog VLSI Implementation of the Inner Hair Cell and Auditory Nerve Using a Dual AGC Model Abstract?An analog inner hair cell and auditory nerve circuit using a dual AGC model has been implemented using 0.35 micron mixed-signal technology. < Final Year Projects > A fully-differential current-mode architecture is used and the ability to correct…
An Android Application To Aid Uneducated Deaf-Dumb People Abstract?One of the most popular handicaps is the deaf and dumb type, which prevent person from listening and talking. The number of deaf and dumb in the world continuously increasing and they are introverted closed society. Therefore, Deaf-Dumb people do not have normal opportunities for learning. Uneducated…
An approach to generalization of fuzzy TOPSIS method Abstract? An approach to generalization of fuzzy TOPSIS method. Due to the vagueness of human being thinking, decision-makers prefer to use hesitant fuzzy linguistic sets (HFLSs) to estimate the alternatives. Some methods of HFLSs have been researched based on the more familiar means such as the arithmetic…
An Area-Based Image Fusion Scheme for the Integration of SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery Abstract? An Area-Based Image Fusion Scheme for the Integration of SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery. The task of enhancing the perception of a scene by combining information captured from different image sensors is usually known as multisensor image fusion. This paper…
An Attack-Resistant Trust Model based on Multidimensional trust Metrics in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network Abstract? Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UASNs) have been widely used in many applications where a variable number of sensor nodes collaborate with each other to perform monitoring tasks. A trust model plays an important role in realizing collaborations of sensor nodes….
An Authenticated Trust and Reputation Calculation and Management System for Cloud and Sensor Networks Integration Abstract?Induced by incorporating the powerful data storage and data processing abilities of cloud computing (CC) as well as ubiquitous data gathering capability of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), CC-WSN integration received a lot of attention from both academia and industry. However,…
An Automated Framework for IncorporatingNews into Stock Trading Strategies Abstract?An Automated Framework for IncorporatingNews into Stock Trading Strategies. In this paper we present a framework for automatic < Final Year Projects > exploitation of news in stock trading strategies. Events are extracted from news messages presented in free text without annotations. We test the introduced…
“An Automatic Graph-Based Approach for Artery/Vein Classification in Retinal Images” Abstract?”An Automatic Graph-Based Approach for Artery/Vein Classification in Retinal Images” The classification of retinal vessels into artery/vein (A/V) is an important phase for automating the detection of vascular changes, and for the calculation of characteristic signs associated with several systemic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension,…
An Autonomic Approach to Risk-Aware Data Center Overbooking Abstract?An Autonomic Approach to Risk-Aware Data Center Overbooking. Elasticity is a key characteristic of cloud computing that increases the flexibility for cloud consumers, allowing them to adapt the amount of physical resources associated to their < Final Year Projects > services over time in an on-demand basis….
An Autonomic Approach toRisk-Aware Data Center Overbooking Abstract?An Autonomic Approach toRisk-Aware Data Center Overbooking. Elasticity is a key characteristic of cloud computing that increases the flexibility for cloud consumers, allowing them to adapt the amount of physical resources associated to their services over time in an on-demand basis. However, elasticity creates problems for cloud providers…
An Efficient and Robust Addressing Protocol for Node Autoconfiguration in Ad Hoc Networks Abstract?Address assignment is a key challenge in ad hoc networks due to the lack of infrastructure.< Final Year Project > Autonomous addressing protocols require a distributed and self-managed mechanism to avoid address collisions in a dynamic network with fading channels, frequent partitions,…