A Single-Stage Single-Switch Soft-Switching Power-Factor-Correction LED Driver Abstract-In the first place, proposes a new isolated single-stage singleswitch soft-switching power-factor-correction (S6-PFC) driver without electrolytic capacitors for supplying light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In the proposed LED driver, all the semiconductor devices are soft-switched without employing any extra active switch. The leakage inductance of transformer acts as a resonant…
A Solar Power Generation System with a Seven-Level Inverter Abstract? A new solar power generation system, which is composed of a DC/DC power converter and a new seven-level inverter. The DC/DC power converter integrates a DC-DC boost converter and a transformer to convert the output voltage of the solar cell array into two independent voltage…
A Spectral – Spatial Multicriteria Active Learning Technique for Hyperspectral Image Classification Abstract– Hyperspectral image classification with limited labeled samples is a challenging task and still an open research issue. In this article, a novel technique is presented to address such an issue by exploiting dimensionality reduction, spectral-spatial information, and classification with active learning. The…
A Street-Centric Routing Protocol Based on Microtopology in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Abstract? In a vehicular adhoc network(VANET),high mobility and uneven distribution of vehicles are important factors affecting the performance of routing protocols. The high mobility may cause frequent changes of network topology, whereas the uneven distribution of vehicles may lead to routing failures due…
A Study of Sub-1 GHz Frequency Spectrum Utilization in India Abstract? Increased Usage of cutting edge technologies in Mobile and Broadband Wireless Access (MBWA) has resulted increase in the demand for spectrum. However frequency spectrum is a scarce resource, which needs to be utilized intelligently. Cognitive Radio(CR) is one of the upcoming technologies which allows…
A Survey of Automatic Query Expansion in Information Retrieval Abstract-The relative ineffectiveness of information retrieval systems is largely caused by the inaccuracy with which a query formed by a few keywords models the actual user information need. One well known method to overcome this limitation is automatic query expansion (AQE), whereby the user?s original query…
A survey of Big Data in social media using data mining techniques Abstract? World?s largest community Facebook?s ?Like? button pressed 2.7 billion times every day across the web revealing what people care about, such an impact of social media that internet user average almost spends 2.5 hours daily on liking, chatting, poking, tweeting on social…
A Survey of Task Allocation and Load Balancing in Distributed Systems Abstract? In past decades, significant attention has been devoted to the task allocation and load balancing in distributed systems. Although there have been some related surveys about this subject, each of which only made a very preliminary review on the state of art of…
A Survey of Vision-Based Traffic Monitoring of Road Intersections Abstract? Visual surveillance of dynamic objects, particularly vehicles on the road, has been, over the past decade, an active research topic in computer vision and intelligent transportation systems communities. In the context of traffic monitoring, important advances have been achieved in environment modeling, vehicle detection, tracking,…
A Survey on Diseases Detection and Classification of Cotton Leaf Abstract-At the first place, agriculture is one of the demanded field of the country like India and also number of research is going on in agriculture among that found still limitation. Identification of plant disease is very difficult in agriculture field. If identification is incorrect…
A Survey on Trajectory Data Mining: Techniques and Applications Abstract? Rapid advance of location acquisition technologies boosts the generation of trajectory data, which track the traces of moving objects. A trajectory is typically represented by a sequence of timestamped geographical locations. A wide spectrum of applications can benet from the trajectory data mining. Bringing unprecedented…
A Synchronous Buck DC?DC Converter Using a Novel Dual-Mode Control Scheme to Improve Efficiency Abstract– A novel dual-mode control scheme is developed here to enable synchronous buck converters (SBC) to operate in a continuous-conduction mode under heavy-load conditions and in a discontinuous-conduction mode under light-load conditions. When an SBC operates in a discontinuous-conduction mode, a…