Showing 1285–1296 of 1333 results

  • Unsupervised Deep Feature Extraction for Remote Sensing Image Classification

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    Unsupervised Deep Feature Extraction for Remote Sensing Image Classification Abstract? The use of single layer and deep convolutional networks for remote sensing data analysis. Direct application to multi- and hyper-spectral imagery of supervised (shallow or deep) convolutional networks is very challenging given the high input data dimensionality and the relatively small amount of available labelled…

  • Unsupervised Visual Hashing with Semantic Assistant for Content-based Image Retrieval

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    Unsupervised Visual Hashing with Semantic Assistant for Content-based Image Retrieval Abstract?Abstract As an emerging technology to support scalable content-based image retrieval (CBIR), hashing has been recently received great attention and became a very active research domain. In this study, we propose a novel unsupervised visual hashing approach called semantic-assisted visual hashing (SAVH).Distinguished from semi-supervised and…

  • Uplink Energy-Delay Trade-Off under Optimized Relay Placement in Cellular Networks

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    Uplink Energy-Delay Trade-Off under Optimized Relay Placement in Cellular Networks Abstract? Relay nodes-enhanced architectures are deemed a viable solution to enhance coverage and capacity of nowadays cellular networks. Besides a number of desirable features, these architectures reduce the average distance between users and network nodes, thus allowing for battery savings for users transmitting on the…

  • Uplink Energy-Efficient Load Balancing Over Multipath Wireless Networks

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    Uplink Energy-Efficient Load Balancing Over Multipath Wireless Networks Abstract? The case of multi-interface mobile devices transmitting video traffic over multiple interfaces simultaneously (uplink). We examine three important issues. First, how to dynamically distribute traffic among each network interface such that the load is balanced. Second, how to minimize the mobile device?s power consumption. Third, how…

  • User Differentiated Verifiable File Search on the Cloud

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    User Differentiated Verifiable File Search on the Cloud Abstract?Cloud storage security has been gaining research interest in recent years. Although considerable work has been conducted on verifying the integrity of the outsourced data in the cloud. < final year projects > [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides…

  • User Vitality Ranking and Prediction in Social Networking Services: a Dynamic Network Perspective

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    User Vitality Ranking and Prediction in Social Networking Services: a Dynamic Network Perspective Abstract– Social networking services have been prevalent at many online communities such as and, where millions of users keep interacting with each other every day. One interesting and important problem in the social networking services is to rank users based…

  • User-Centric Energy Efficiency Maximization for Wireless Powered Communications

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    User-Centric Energy Efficiency Maximization for Wireless Powered Communications Abstract? we consider wireless powered communication networks (WPCNs) where multiple users harvest energy from a dedicated power station and then communicate with an information receiving station in a time-division manner. Thereby, our goal is to maximize the weighted sum of the user energy efficiencies (WSUEEs). In contrast…

  • User-Centric Similarity Search

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    User-Centric Similarity Search Abstract-User preferences play a significant role in market analysis. In the database literature, there has been extensive work on query primitives, such as the well known top- k query that can be used for the ranking of products based on the preferences customers have expressed. Still, the fundamental operation that evaluates the…

  • User-Service Rating Prediction by Exploring Social Users? Rating Behaviors

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    User-Service Rating Prediction by Exploring Social Users? Rating Behaviors Abstract? the boom of social media, it is a very popular trend for people to share what they are doing with friends across various social networking platforms. Nowadays, we have a vast amount of descriptions, comments, and ratings for local services. The information is valuable for…

  • Using Crowdsourced Data in Location-based Social Networks to Explore Influence Maximization

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    Using Crowdsourced Data in Location-based Social Networks to Explore Influence Maximization Abstract?Online social networks have gained significant popularity recently. The Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) are a special kind of online social networks in which people can share location-embedded information. < final year projects > [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation…

  • Using Crowdsourced Data in Location-based Social Networks to Explore Influence Maximization

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    Using Crowdsourced Data in Location-based Social Networks to Explore Influence Maximization Abstract? Online social networks have gained significant popularity recently. The problem of influence maximization in online social networks has been extensively studied. However, in prior works, influence propagation in the physical world, which is also an indispensable factor, is not considered. The Location-Based Social…

  • Using Crowdsourcing to Provide QoS for Mobile Cloud Computing

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    Using Crowdsourcing to Provide QoS for Mobile Cloud Computing Abstract? Quality of cloud service (QoS) is one of the crucial factors for the success of cloud providers in mobile cloud computing. Context-awareness is a popular method for automatic awareness of the mobile environment and choosing the most suitable cloud provider. Lack of context information may…

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