Farmer Pension System Based Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana Abstract-Farmer Pension System aims at providing a facility to coordinate the farmer and officers. This system can handle data of Users (Various type of farmer) who are looking for suitable candidates for their pension system. It is a voluntary and contributory pension scheme for all small…
Farmer Pension System Based Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana Abstract-Farmer Pension System aims at providing a facility to coordinate the farmer and officers. This system can handle data of Users (Various type of farmer) who are looking for suitable candidates for their pension system. It is a voluntary and contributory pension scheme for all small…
File Recovery System Abstract-This File Recovery System Application will specially develop for IT users to investigate the files has been deleted in the suspect?s computer and recover it. The application developed will be user friendly which can be easily learned by all the users and it will be simple. Whenever file is deleted, either by…
Hospital Management System Abstract-The project Hospital Management System is software developed to simplify the communication process between the doctors, the receptionist and the pharmacist. The software would be operated by three admins receptionist, doctor and the other is pharmacist. Receptionist would be responsible for adding Patient to assigning doctors and token numbers to the patient…
Online fast food management system Abstract-Online Fast Food Delivery is a web designed primarily for use in food delivery industry. This system will allow hotels and restaurants to increase scope of business by reducing the labour cost involved. This system also allows to quickly and easily managing an online menu which customers can browse and…
Online Job Portal Abstract-Online Job Portal aims at providing a facility to coordinate the recruiter and jobseeker. This portal can handle data of Recruits (Several Companies) who are looking for suitable candidates for their vacancies. This portal will be most useful for Consultants for searching of matching job with jobseekers etc. An administrator is provided…
Preventing Attack on Voting System Using Multi-Level Password Authentication Abstract-Voting system Using Multi level Password aims at providing a facility to cast vote for critical and confidential internal corporate decisions. It has the flexibility to allow casting of vote from any remote place. The election is held in full confidentiality by applying appropriate security measures…
Railway Timetable System Abstract-Railway Timetable System Project is a website that helps to know the train schedule information. This web project is developed using as the front end and sql as a back-end. The sql database stores train details and its schedule. A user visiting the website can search the train based on need…
Retail Shop Billing System By SQLite Abstract-Retail Shop Billing System acts as an embedded database containing various products and its price details. This project is a windows application that acts as a user-friendly billing system. This project is developed using C#.Net as the front end and SQLite as a back-end. The SQLite database stores various…
Tour Management System Abstract-The project Tour Management System is software developed to simplify the communication process between the Organizer and Tourist. The software would be operated by two users like admin and customer. Admin would be responsible for adding Plan details, Cab Details and Guide Details. The admin edit and delete the all details. The…