Showing 2113–2124 of 2258 results

  • Time-Series Classification with COTE: The Collective of Transformation-Based Ensembles

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    Time-Series Classification with COTE: The Collective of Transformation-Based Ensembles Abstract? Time-Series Classification with COTE: The Collective of Transformation-Based Ensembles. Recently, two ideas have been explored that lead to more accurate algorithms for time-series classi?cation < Final Year Projects 2016 > TSC. First, it has been shown that the simplest way to gain improvement on TSC…

  • Timer-based Bloom Filter Aggregation for Reducing Signaling Overhead in Distributed Mobility Management

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    Timer-based Bloom Filter Aggregation for Reducing Signaling Overhead in Distributed Mobility Management Abstract? Timer-based Bloom Filter Aggregation for Reducing Signaling Overhead in Distributed Mobility Management. Distributed mobility management DMM is a promising technology to address the mobile data traf?c explosion problem. Since the location information of mobile < Final Year Project 2016 > nodes (MNs)…

  • TMACS: A Robust and Verifiable Threshold Multi-Authority Access Control System in Public Cloud Storage

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    TMACS: A Robust and Verifiable Threshold Multi-Authority Access Control System in Public Cloud Storage Abstract? TMACS: A Robust and Verifiable Threshold Multi-Authority Access Control System in Public Cloud Storage. Attribute-based Encryption (ABE) is regarded as a promising cryptographic conducting tool to guarantee data owners? direct control over their data in public cloud storage. The earlier…

  • To improve Blood Donation Process using Data Mining Techniques

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    To improve Blood Donation Process using Data Mining Techniques Abstract? To improve Blood Donation Process using Data Mining Techniques. Blood is the vital thing for human being because there is no alternative for replacing it. This makes it necessary for the presence of a system for predicting continuous behavior of healthy blood donors in blood…

  • Placeholder

    To Lie or t o Comply: Defending against FloodAttacks in Disruption Tolerant Networks

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    To Lie or t o Comply: Defending against FloodAttacks in Disruption Tolerant Networks Abstract? To Lie or t o Comply: Defending against FloodAttacks in Disruption Tolerant Networks. For a broad-topic and ambiguous query, different users may have different search goals when they submit it to a search engine. The inference and analysis of user search…

  • Top-k Similarity Join in Heterogeneous Information Networks

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    Top-k Similarity Join in Heterogeneous Information Networks Abstract? Top-k Similarity Join in Heterogeneous Information Networks. As a newly emerging network model, heterogeneous information networks < Final Year Projects 2016 > have received growing attention. Many data mining tasks have been explored in HINs, including clustering, classi?cation, and similarity search. Similarity join is a fundamental operation…

  • Placeholder

    Topic Mining over Asynchronous Text Sequences

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    Topic Mining over Asynchronous Text Sequences Abstract? Topic Mining over Asynchronous Text Sequences. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video Tutorials Supporting Softwares [/numbers_sections] [numbers_sections number=”2″ title=”Our =Specialization=” last=”no” ] Voice Conference Video On…

  • Placeholder

    Topic-Sensitive Influencer Mining in Interest-Based Social Media Networks via Hypergraph Learning

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    Topic-Sensitive Influencer Mining in Interest-Based Social Media Networks via Hypergraph Learning Abstract?Topic-Sensitive Influencer Mining in Interest-Based. Social Media Networks via Hypergraph Learning, Social media is emerging as a new mainstream means of interacting around online media. Social influence mining in social networks is therefore of critical importance in real-world applications such as friend suggestion and…

  • Placeholder

    TopicMachine: Conversion Prediction in Search Advertising using Latent Topic Models

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    TopicMachine: Conversion Prediction in Search Advertising using Latent Topic Models Abstract?TopicMachine: Conversion Prediction in Search Advertising using Latent Topic Models. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) agencies manage thousands of search keywords for their clients. The campaign management dashboards provided by advertisement brokers have interfaces to change search campaign attributes. Using these dashboards, advertisers create test variants…

  • Topological Modeling and Classification of Mammographic Microcalcification Clusters

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    Topological Modeling and Classification of Mammographic Microcalcification Clusters Abstract? Topological Modeling and Classification of Mammographic Microcalcification Clusters. Goal:The presence of microcalcification clusters is a primary sign of breast cancer; however, it is difficult and time consuming for radiologists to classify microcalcifications as malig-nant or benign. In this paper, a novel method for the classification of…

  • Tour Package Management

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    Tour Package Management Abstract?A novel double diode package (footprint D2PAK compatible) was designed, simulated, and fabricated using an innovative embedding process with electroplated large-area copper contact metallizations on both sides of the chip. The package was also experimentally characterized regarding the thermal performance using two different test methods: < Final Year Projects > a test…

  • Tourist Place of Bradford City in Android

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    Tourist Place of Bradford City in Android Abstract-This project android tourist places of Bradford city provides the tourist with city map depending on its current location entered by the android phone user. This information helps the tourists to find the desired locations to visit. Well it consists of entire details of those locations or how…

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