A Low-Power Robust Easily Cascaded PentaMTJ-Based Combinational and Sequential Circuits Abstract?Advanced computing systems embed spintronic devices to improve the leakage performance of conventional CMOS systems. High speed, low power, and infinite endurance are important properties of magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ), a spintronic device, which assures its use in memories and logic circuits. < final year...
A MAC Sensing Protocol Designfor Data Transmission with More Protection to Primary Users. Abstract?MAC protocols to sense channels for data transmission have been widely investigated for the secondary users to efficiently utilize and share the spectrum licensed by the primary user. One important issue associated with MAC protocols design is how the secondary users determine…
A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Disease-Treatment Relations in Short Texts Abstract?The Machine Learning (ML) field has gained its momentum in almost any domain of research and just recently has become a reliable tool in the medical domain.< Final Year Project > The empirical domain of automatic learning is used in tasks such as medical…
A Mechanism Design Approach to Resource Procurement in Cloud Computing Abstract? A Mechanism Design Approach to Resource Procurement in Cloud Computing. We present a cloud resource procurement approach which not only automates the selection of an appropriate cloud vendor but also implements dynamic pricing. Three possible mechanisms are suggested for cloud resource procurement: cloud-dominant strategy…
A Mechanism Design Approach to Resource Procurement in Cloud Computing Abstract?A Mechanism Design Approach to Resource Procurement in Cloud Computing. We present a cloud resource procurement approach which not only automates the selection of an appropriate cloud vendor but also implements dynamic pricing. Three possible mechanisms are suggested for cloud resource procurement: cloud-dominant strategy incentive…
A Merge and Split Mechanism for Dynamic Virtual Organization Formation in Grids Abstract?A Merge and Split Mechanism for Dynamic Virtual Organization Formation in Grids. Executing large-scale application programs in grids requires resources from several grid service providers (GSPs). These providers form virtual organizations (VOs) by pooling their resources together to provide the required capabilities to…
A Method for Mining Infrequent Causal Associations and Its Application in Finding Adverse Drug Reaction Abstract?A Method for Mining Infrequent Causal Associations and Its Application in Finding Adverse Drug Reaction. In many real-world applications, it is important to mine causal relationships where an event or event pattern causes certain < Final Year Projects > outcomes…
A Methodology for Direct and Indirect Discrimination Prevention in Data Mining Abstract? Data mining is an increasingly important technology for extracting useful knowledge hidden in large collections of data. There are, however, negative social perceptions about data mining, among which potential privacy invasion and potential discrimination. The latter consists of unfairly treating people on the…
A Methodology for Direct and Indirect Discrimination Prevention in Data Mining. Data mining is an increasingly important technology for extracting useful knowledge hidden in large collections of data. There are, however, negative social perceptions about data mining, among which potential privacy invasion and potential discrimination. The latter consists of unfairly treating people on the basis…
A Micro-GA Embedded PSO Feature Selection Approach to Intelligent Facial Emotion Recognition Abstract?This paper proposes a facial expression recognition system using evolutionary particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based feature optimization. The system first employs modified local binary patterns, which conduct horizontal and vertical neighborhood pixel comparison, to generate a discriminative initial facial representation. < final year projects...
A Micro-Power Two-Step Incremental Analog-to-Digital Converter Abstract? A Micro-Power Two-Step Incremental Analog-to-Digital Converter. Integrated sensor interface circuits require energy-ef?cient high-resolution data converters. This paper proposes a two-step incremental A/D converter < Final Year Projects 2016 > which extends the performance of an N th-order IADC close to that of a (2N -1) th-order IADC. The…
A minimum enclosing ball-based support vector machine approach for detection of phishing websites Abstract?A novel approach based on minimum enclosing ball support vector machine (BVM) to phishing Website detection is proposed, which aims at achieving high speed and high accuracy for detecting phishing Website. In order to enhance the integrity of the feature vectors, we…