CHARON: A Secure Cloud-of-Clouds System for Storing and Sharing Big Data Abstract-We present CHARON, a cloud-backed storage system capable of storing and sharing big data in a secure, reliable, and efficient way using multiple cloud providers and storage repositories to comply with the legal requirements of sensitive personal data. CHARON implements three distinguishing features: (1)…
Chronic Diseases and Health Monitoring Big Data:A Survey Abstract-With the technology development of the data science and the network technology, the world has stepped into a big data era. Medical area includes vast amount of data which is suitable for data analysis. Lots of research work in medical big data has been done in recent…
CP-ABSE: A Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Searchable Encryption Scheme Abstract-Searchable encryption provides an effective mechanism that achieves secure search over encrypted data. A popular application model of searchable encryption is that a data owner stores encrypted data to a server and the server can effectively perform keyword-based search over encrypted data according to a query trapdoor submitted…
Civil Registry Management System Abstract-The primary objective of this web site is to give awareness about the government or legal Documents and its registration details as well as to help to register or apply for those documents .This also acts as a consultancy agency to assist the public. The main purpose of the web site…
Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images Using Multi-Size and Discriminative Patches Based on Deep Learning Abstract-The diagnosis of breast cancer histology images with hematoxylin and eosin stained is non-trivial, labor-intensive and often leads to a disagreement between pathologists. Computer-assisted diagnosis systems contribute to help pathologists improve diagnostic consistency and efficiency. With the recent advances in…
Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images Using Multi-Size and Discriminative Patches Based on Deep Learning Abstract-The diagnosis of breast cancer histology images with hematoxylin and eosin stained is non-trivial, labor-intensive and often leads to a disagreement between pathologists. Computer-assisted diagnosis systems contribute to help pathologists improve diagnostic consistency and efficiency. With the recent advances in…
Clinic Management System Abstract-The project clinic management is software developed to simplify the communication process between the doctors, the receptionist and the pharmacist. The software would be operated by three admins receptionist, doctor and the other is pharmacist. Receptionist would be responsible for adding Patient to assigning doctors and token numbers to the patient visiting…
Cloud Centric Authentication for Wearable Healthcare Monitoring System Abstract-Security and privacy are the major concerns in cloud computing as users have limited access on the stored data at the remote locations managed by different service providers.These become more challenging especially for the data generated from the wearable devices as it is highly sensitive and heterogeneous…
Coffee Shop Management System Abstract-Coffee Shop Management System is based on a concept to maintain orders and management of a particular coffee shop. There are two sections in this project, they are Coffee Ordering and Admin panel. By using this system he/she can maintain ordering records of a day. By selecting Coffee Order the system…
Collaboratively Tracking Interests for User Clustering in Streams of Short Texts Abstract-In this paper, we aim at tackling the problem of user clustering in the context of their published short text streams. Clustering users by short text streams is more challenging than in the case of long documents associated with them as it is dif?cult…
Collaboratively Tracking Interests for User Clustering in Streams of Short Texts Abstract-In this paper, we aim at tackling the problem of user clustering in the context of their published short text streams. Clustering users by short text streams is more challenging than in the case of long documents associated with them as it is difficult…
College Automation System Abstract-The main objective of developing the current project entitled college automation system is to build effective system which is fast, accurate, consistency, reliable and flexible enough so that it can incorporate any future enhancements. By automating the system using computers, sophisticated technology can be used for making the information more flexible, accurate,…