Biometrics Based on Hand Synergies and their Neural Representations Abstract-Biometric systems can identify individuals based on their unique characteristics. A new biometric based on hand synergies and their neural representations is proposed here. In this preliminary study ten subjects were asked to perform six hand grasps that are shared by most common activities of daily…
Blood and Organ Management System in Android Abstract-Many critical situations are arrived when accidents which leads to blood loss and organ damage. There is important to save the people in critical situation. For that we propose both blood and organ donation application. We take android as a platform for fast information gathering. Because android application…
Blood bank management system Abstract-Blood Bank Management System is a VB.NET application designed to automate the different operations in Blood Banks. Blood Bank Management System project makes it easy to give information regarding blood type, date of donation of blood, available blood group and many more. After the implementation of the project, the blood searching…
Book shopping website Abstract-Online Book Shopping Website acts as a central database containing various books in stock along with their title, author and cost. This project is a website that acts as a central bookstore. This web project is developed using as the front end and sql as a back-end. The sql database stores…
Book store management system Abstract-Online bookstore software projects that acts as a central database containing various books in stock along with their title, author and cost. This project is a website that acts as a central bookstore. This web project is developed using as the front end and sql as a back-end. The sql…
Brain MRI Segmentation based on Different Clustering Algorithms Abstract-In this study, MR Image segmentation has been realized with some clustering algorithms. In the study, the performances kmeans, lloyds, llyds-kmeans, pso clustering, ga clustering and jaya optimisation algorithms on some MR images from BRATS 2012 dataset have been compared. For the comparison, the manual segmentation results…
Breast Cancer Classification Based on Fully-Connected Layer First Convolutional Neural Networks Abstract-Both Wisconsin diagnostic breast cancer (WDBC) database and the Wisconsin breast cancer database (WBCD) are structured datasets described by cytological features. In this paper, we were seeking to identify ways improve the classification performance for each of the datasets based on convolutional neural networks…
Cab Management System Abstract-The Cab management system application is developed for managing the cab in the organization. This project is developed in (vb script) and the back end used is SQL server. The idea of cab management system is how to manage the cab in a good manner or we can say managing the…
Cargo Management System Abstract-The objective of this product is to deal with all the cargo business and is additionally utilized for calculation and generation of reports. This product is utilized only by a person. He she enters the entire organization?s name who need to ship their things to another port or to another nation. There…
Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for CO-OFDM: The Matched Filter Approach Abstract-This paper proposes a novel carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimator for coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) systems using the matched filter (MF) concept. We consider an OFDM symbol with N subcarriers so that the receiver takes N time-samples of the received noisy CO-OFDM…
Characterizing and Predicting Early Reviewers for Effective Product Marketing on E-Commerce Websites Abstract-Online reviews have become an important source of information for users before making an informed purchase decision. Early reviews of a product tend to have a high impact on the subsequent product sales. In this paper, we take the initiative to study the…
CHARON: A Secure Cloud-of-Clouds System for Storing and Sharing Big Data Abstract-We present CHARON, a cloud-backed storage system capable of storing and sharing big data in a secure, reliable, and efficient way using multiple cloud providers and storage repositories to comply with the legal requirements of sensitive personal data. CHARON implements three distinguishing features: (1)…