Three-Phase Grid-Connected WECS with Mechanical Power Control Abstract-This paper presents a grid-connected wind energy conversion system (WECS) based on a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) operating with variable speed. Considering that the wind has intrinsic intermittent nature, it is desirable to maximize the extracted energy, as a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) strategy is described…
Three-Phase Transformerless Shunt Active Power Filter with Reduced Switch Count for Harmonic Compensation in Grid-Connected Applications Abstract-Shunt active power filter is the preeminent solution against nonlinear loads, current harmonics and power quality problems. APF topologies for harmonic compensation use numerous high-power rating components and are therefore disadvantageous. Hybrid topologies combining low-power rating APF with passive…
Three-Port-Converter-Based Single-Phase Bidirectional AC-DC Converter With Reduced Power Processing Stages and Improved Overall Efficiency Abstract-Single-phase bidirectional AC-DC converters based on three-port converter (TPC) is proposed for energy storage applications. Three power interfacing ports, i.e. a DC-bus port, a DC input port and an AC port, are provided by the proposed converter. A battery, whose voltage…
Tour Management System Abstract-The project Tour Management System is software developed to simplify the communication process between the Organizer and Tourist. The software would be operated by two users like admin and customer. Admin would be responsible for adding Plan details, Cab Details and Guide Details. The admin edit and delete the all details. The…
Tourist Place of Bradford City in Android Abstract-This project android tourist places of Bradford city provides the tourist with city map depending on its current location entered by the android phone user. This information helps the tourists to find the desired locations to visit. Well it consists of entire details of those locations or how…
Toward Privacy Preserving in IoT E-health Systems: A Key Escrow Identity-based Encryption Scheme Abstract-E-health represents one of the most promising Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Indeed, it enhances the traditional medical services by monitoring periodically patient?s health information. Due to the sensitivity of exchanged medical data, strong and efficient security and privacy protocols must be…
Using Genetic Algorithm to Improve Classification of Imbalanced Datasets for credit card fraud detection Abstract-With the growing usage of credit card transactions, financial fraud crimes have also been drastically increased leading to the loss of huge amounts in the finance industry. Having an efficient fraud detection method has become a necessity for all banks in…
Village Website Abstract-Village Website provides brief information and overall description about particular village. It also provides the information of the village location, events and people. Community details contain people, place and census details. Events details contain particular village functions and important schedules of village . News/Blog details contain important updates and articles of village .Contact…
Voltage Modulated Direct Power Control for a Weak Grid-Connected Voltage Source Inverters Abstract-In this paper, we design a voltage modulated direct power control (VM-DPC) for a three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) connected to a weak grid, where the PLL system may make the system unstable if the conventional vector current control (VCC) method is applied….
Vulnerable Concealed Map-Reading Inside Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Abstract-Number of techniques has been used based on packet encryption to protect the data forwarding in MANETs, Still MANETs are attacked by hackers. To get over these attack a new technique called statistical traffic pattern discovery system can be used. It is an approach to discover entire…
Warehouse Management System Abstract-The Warehouse Management System is a real-time warehouse database capable of handling large inventories of an organization. This can be used to track the inventory of a single store, or to manage the distribution of stock between several stores. However, the system merely records sales and restocking data and provides notification of…
Webpage prediction for services scale locations Abstract-In this project we have maintain the client information and user which website using. Login Admin have retrieve the client information from sql. We have analysis the client website information with data mining concept. Every client must register. Admin view the minimum and maximum user?s client website usage and…