Showing 265–276 of 288 results

  • Social Media Data Publishing for Personalized Ranking

    0 out of 5

    Privacy-Preserving Social Media Data Publishing for Personalized Ranking-Based Recommendation Abstract-Personalized recommendation is crucial to help users find pertinent information. It often relies on a large collection of user data, in particular users? online activity (e.g., tagging/rating/checking-in) on social media, to mine user preference. However, releasing such user activity data makes users vulnerable to inference attacks,…

  • Social Media Like Face Book

    0 out of 5

    Social Media Like Face Book Abstract-Facebook social networking media with dynamic form processing code in PHP. This is basic PHP script for students and PHP beginners. You can use this php project just by extracting the given PHP zip file and make use of it. This Php project is totally free for all kind of…

  • SocialQ&A: An Online Social Network Based Question and Answer System

    0 out of 5

    SocialQ&A: An Online Social Network Based Question and Answer System Abstract-Question and Answer (Q&A) systems play a vital role in our daily life for information and knowledge sharing. Users post questions and pick questions to answer in the system. Due to the rapidly growing user population and the number of questions, it is unlikely for…

  • Software piracy protection

    0 out of 5

    Software piracy protection Abstract-Software piracy has been major issue for software industries. They have to pay a very large amount to protect their applications. There are several insurance schemes for the protection of software. But they all are very costly and provide services for a limited period of time. This paper will demonstrate a protector…

  • Spatiotemporal Data Gathering Based on Compressive Sensing in WSNs

    0 out of 5

    Spatiotemporal Data Gathering Based on Compressive Sensing in WSNs Abstract-In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), sensor readings have spatiotemporal correlation, and wireless links are unreliable. To balance the energy-performance trade-off and reduce the impact of packet loss, a novel approach is proposed that combines Kronecker compressed sensing (KCS) and cluster topology to exploit spatial and temporal…

  • Spectrum Efficiency Improvement for Quasi-Constant Envelope OFDM

    0 out of 5

    Spectrum Efficiency Improvement for Quasi-Constant Envelope OFDM Abstract-Benefiting from low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), constant envelope OFDM (CE-OFDM) is a promising technique in coherent optical communication. However, the spectrum efficiency of CE-OFDM is only half of conventional coherent optical OFDM, which restricts its application. We proposed a novel quasi-constant envelope OFDM (Quasi-CE-OFDM) scheme with in-phase/quadrature…

  • Sport Carriage Management System

    0 out of 5

    Sport Carriage Management System Abstract-A sports carriage management system project that provides and manages various sports activities materials such as member registration. The A sports carriage management system software is a .net built system that manages the entire sports activities. It allows normal users to avail for view the materials and comment on it. Admin…

  • Stocks Market Prediction Using Support Vector Machine

    0 out of 5

    Stocks Market Prediction Using Support Vector Machine Abstract-A lot of studies provide strong evidence that traditional predictive regression models face significant challenges in out-of sample predictability tests due to model uncertainty and parameter instability. Recent studies introduce particular strategies that overcome these problems. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a relatively new learning algorithm that has…

  • Student Report system PHP Projects 2022

    0 out of 5

    Student Report system Abstract-This Project is basically used to build an application program which help student to view and download the result of 10th, 12th, UG, PG. It is useful in the way that it makes an easier way to see the results. The admin can add the details of student with register number and…

  • Supervised Classification Analysis with Information-Theoretic Methods

    0 out of 5

    A Framework for Supervised Classification Performance Analysis with Information-Theoretic Methods Abstract-?We introduce a framework for the evaluation of multiclass classifiers by exploring their confusion matrices. Instead of using error-counting measures of performance, we concentrate in quantifying the information transfer from true to estimated labels using information-theoretic measures. First, the Entropy Triangle allows us to visualize…

  • Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation: A Review

    0 out of 5

    Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation: A Review Abstract-With the rapid depletion of fossil fuel reserves, it is feared that the world will soon run out of its energy resources. This is a matter of concern for developing countries whose economy heavily leans on its use of energy. Under the circumstances it is…

  • Tetris Game Application Development

    0 out of 5

    Tetris Game Application Development Abstract-Tetris is one of the tile matching puzzle game which is widely used in video games. In Tetris games so many pieces are available which is called Tetromino. The shapes available in tetromino are L, J, I, O, S, T and Z. Tetriminos are game pieces shaped like tetrominoes, geometric shapes…

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