A Novel DC Current Injection Suppression Method for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter without the Isolation Transformer Abstract-Grid-connected inverters without isolation transformer usually have certain amount of dc component injected to the ac grid due to current sensor error,tolerance of power switching device, asymmetry of PWM gating driving pulses etc. Many efforts, such as using blocking capacitor,…
A Novel Dual Switching Frequency Modulation for Z-Source and Quasi Z-Source Inverters Abstract-Impedance network inverters (INIs) are the best alternatives for voltage-source and current-source inverters. Boosting capability and shoot-through solution of such converters make them excellent solutions for various applications. Nevertheless, hard switching forces the converter to operate in low switching frequency which results in…
A Novel Non-isolated Z-source DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic Applications Abstract-Pollution problems caused by fossil fuels has lead more investigations on renewable energy systems. Photo-voltaic cells and fuel-cells output low level voltage than required, therefore, high gain dc dc converters are used to boost this low voltage. The Z-source converter can be employed as dc-dc converter…
A Novel Signal Modeling Approach for Classification of Seizure and Seizure-free EEG Signals Abstract-This paper presents a signal modeling based new methodology of automatic seizure detection in EEG signals. The proposed method consists of three stages. First, a multirate filterbank structure is proposed that is constructed using the basis vectors of discrete cosine transform (DCT)….
A Privacy-Preserving Remote Data Integrity Checking Protocol with Data Dynamics and Public Verifiability Abstract-Remote data integrity checking is a crucial technology in cloud computing. Recently, many works focus on providing data dynamics and/or public verifiability to this type of protocols. Existing protocols can support both features with the help of a third-party auditor. In a…
A Reliable Three-Phase Transformerless Grid-Connected PV Inverter With Inductive DC Link Abstract-In this paper, a modi?ed buck?boost grid-connected three-phase photovoltaic inverter is presented. In the structure of inverter, an inductive dc link is used between the input and output. The merits of the employed inverter are soft switching and step-up/down conversion without any additional power…
A Secure Optimum Distributed Detection Scheme in Under-Attack Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract-We address the problem of centralized detection of a binary event in the presence of fraction falsi?able sensor nodes (SNs) (i.e., controlled by an attacker) for a bandwidth constrained under attack spatially uncorrelated distributed wireless sensor network (WSN). The SNs send their one-bit test…
A Survey on Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Encryption (CP-ABE) Approaches to Data Security on Mobile Devices and its Application to IoT Abstract-The growth in Cloud Computing and the ubiquity of Mobile devices to access Cloud services has generated a new paradigm, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). While the benefits of storing and accessing data in the Cloud are…
A Survey on Taxonomy learning using Graph-based Approach Abstract-Taxonomy learning is an important task for developing successful applications as well as knowledge obtaining, sharing and classification. The manual construction of the domain taxonomies is a time-consuming task. To reduce the time and human effort will build a new taxonomy learning approach named as TaxoFinder. TaxoFinder…
A User Authentication Scheme of IoT Devices using Blockchain-enabled Fog Nodes Abstract-These days, IoT devices are deployed at a massive scale, with Cisco predicting 20 billion devices by the year 2020. As opposed to endpoint devices, IoT devices are resource-constrained devices, incapable of securing and defending themselves, and can be easily hacked and compromised. Fog…
Adaptive and Fault-tolerant Data Processing in Healthcare IoT Based on Fog Computing Abstract-In recent years, healthcare IoT have been helpful in mitigating pressures of hospital and medical resources caused by aging population to a large extent. As a safety-critical system, the rapid response from the health care system is extremely important. To fulfill the low…
Adaptive Solitary Pulmonary Nodule Segmentation for Digital Radiography Images Based on Random Walks and Sequential Filter Abstract-Solitary pulmonary nodules (SPN) in digital radiography (DR) images often have unclear contours and infiltration, which make it a challenging task for traditional segmentation models to get satisfactory segmentation results. To overcome this challenge, this paper has proposed an…