Showing 217–228 of 288 results

  • Post Office Management System

    0 out of 5

    Post Office Management System Abstract-Post Office Management System will help in automating functions of the administration department. It helps in reducing the time spent in record keeping and the work can be carried out effectively. The searching of records in future will also become easy. The redundancy in the data due to manual data will…

  • Power Factor Improvement in Modified Bridgeless Landsman Converter

    0 out of 5

    Power Factor Improvement in Modified Bridgeless Landsman Converter Fed EV Battery Charger Abstract-This work deals with the design and implementation of a new charger for battery operated electric vehicle (BEV) with power factor improvement at the frontend. In the proposed configuration, the conventional diode converter at the source end of existing electric vehicle (EV) battery…

  • Power Factor Improvement in Modified Bridgeless Landsman Converter

    0 out of 5

    Power Factor Improvement in Modified Bridgeless Landsman Converter Fed EV Battery Charger Abstract-This work deals with the design and implementation of a new charger for battery operated electric vehicle (BEV) with power factor improvement at the frontend. In the proposed configuration, the conventional diode converter at the source end of existing electric vehicle (EV) battery…

  • Power Generation using DC Driven Self-Excited Induction Generator Supplying DC Load

    0 out of 5

    Power Generation using DC Driven Self-Excited Induction Generator Supplying DC Load Abstract-This paper gives out the implementation of wind energy system which is becoming one of the solutions for energy crisis since it is safe, inexhaustible, environmentally friendly and is capable of supplying significant amount of power. The proposed system employs an induction generator driven…

  • Prediction of Heart Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithms

    0 out of 5

    Prediction of Heart Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithms Abstract-Heart disease is the one of the most common disease. This disease is quite common now a days we used different attributes which can relate to this heart diseases well to find the better method to predict and we also used algorithms for prediction. Naive Bayes, algorithm…

  • Prediction of Rainfall using Datamining technique over Assam

    0 out of 5

    Prediction of Rainfall using Datamining technique over Assam Abstract-Meteorological data mining is a form of data mining concerned with finding hidden patterns inside largely available meteorological data, so that the information retrieved can be transformed into usable knowledge. Weather is one of the meteorological data that is rich in important knowledge. The most important climatic…

  • Preventing Attack on Voting System Using Multi-Level Password Authentication

    0 out of 5

    Preventing Attack on Voting System Using Multi-Level Password Authentication Abstract-Voting system Using Multi level Password aims at providing a facility to cast vote for critical and confidential internal corporate decisions. It has the flexibility to allow casting of vote from any remote place. The election is held in full confidentiality by applying appropriate security measures…

  • Prime Health Centre

    0 out of 5

    Prime Health Centre Abstract-This Health Care Management application will be like in an online Healthcare Management service provider with easy to use customizable options. The application is accessible from anywhere by all employees or staff of the hospital in private or at desktops or tablets etc. it will basically lessen the manual work and improves…

  • Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Scheme for Mobile Edge Computing Assisted IoT Applications

    0 out of 5

    Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Scheme for Mobile Edge Computing Assisted IoT Applications Abstract-As the rapid development of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) techniques, more and more mobile devices with specific sensing capabilities access to the network and large amounts of data. The traditional architecture of the cloud computing cannot satisfy the requirements such as…

  • Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Model Learning: The Case of Word Vector Training

    0 out of 5

    Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Model Learning: The Case of Word Vector Training Abstract-Nowadays machine learning is becoming a new paradigm for mining hidden knowledge in big data. The collection and manipulation of big data not only create considerable values, but also raise serious privacy concerns. To protect the huge amount of potentially sensitive data, a straightforward approach…

  • Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Support Vector Machine Design for Secure Drug Discovery

    0 out of 5

    Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Support Vector Machine Design for Secure Drug Discovery Abstract-In this paper, we propose a framework for privacy-preserving outsourced drug discovery in the cloud, which we refer to as POD. Specifically, POD is designed to allow the cloud to securely use multiple drug formula providers? drug formulas to train Support Vector Machine (SVM) provided…

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