Online Project Approval System Abstract-In this Online Project Approval System project, we will focus mainly on automating the process of project submission. In the sense project topics will be submitted online along with doc and approval will be provided online by the head of the department along with suggestions. This will reduce the physical efforts…
Online Resume Builder Abstract-It is an application that simplifies the task of creating a resume for individuals. The system is flexible to be used and reduces the need of thinking and designing an appropriate resume according to qualifications. The system is developed to provide an easy means for creating a professional looking resume. Individuals just…
Online Scrutiny Lab Reporting System Abstract-The system is an online Scrutiny lab System application that brings up various diagnoses working online. Here patients are first allowed to register on the site with captcha and also login using registered details. Once registered with their address and contact details, the patients may now see a variety of…
Online shoes shop Abstract-The Project on ?Online shoes store? it is site to purchase, products and many more. It would fulfill all requirements of latest products. It contains all the functionality, which is as follows: User Registration, Searching, and feedback. Internet is now a day?s became useful for everyone who uses the internet, in addition…
Online Shopping Cart Abstract-The main aim of ?ONLINE SHOPPING CART? is to improve the services of Customers and vendors. The Online Shopping is a web based application intended for online retailers. The main objective of this application is to make it interactive and its ease of use. It would make searching, viewing and selection of…
Online Student Profile Management System Abstract-All the students who are enrolled in Computing and Information Sciences (CIS) major in Kansas State University are required to submit their Program of Study (POS) which they manually do by filling in all the necessary details and submit the form to the department. The main objective of this project…
Online Tender Management Abstract-The main objective of the php project on contract management system is to manage the Details of obligations, Tenders Audit, Authoring. It manages all the information about obligations, contract, Authoring, Obligations. The project is totally build at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose is to…
Online Voting System Abstract-Online Voting System is a computerized system used to store and retrieve information. The project is aimed at exposing the relevance and importance of online voting Systems. The main purpose of this software is to reduce the manual errors involved in voting process and make it convenient for the user to vote…
Opinion-Aspect Relations in Cognizing Customer Feelings via Reviews Abstract-Determining a consensus opinion on a product sold online is no longer easy, because assessments have become more and more numerous on the Internet. To address this problem, researchers have used various approaches, such as looking for feelings expressed in the documents and exploring the appearance and…
Opportunistic Task Scheduling over Co-Located Clouds in Mobile Environment Abstract-In data streams limitations on available memory and processing time which leads to arrival and execution time changes. It is important to schedule the task in order to avoid collusion and delay between them. There is many existing algorithms used for task scheduling like remote cloud….
Optimal PMU Placement Using Modified Greedy Algorithm Abstract-Phasor measurement units (PMUs) provide synchronized measurements of real-time phasors of voltages and currents. It is considered as an important element of the smart wide area measurement system used in advanced power system monitoring, protection, and control applications. This paper proposes a new approach based on a greedy…
Optimal power flow considering line loss Abstract-The main objectives of the optimization of electric energy systems are to meet load demands with adequacy and reliability and to keep it at the same time economical, meaning to keep the prices as low as possible. Electric energy demand has been shown to be an exponential function doubling…