Showing 121–132 of 288 results

  • Enabling Generic, Verifiable, and Secure Data Search in Cloud Services

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    Enabling Generic, Verifiable, and Secure Data Search in Cloud Services Abstract-Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) has been widely studied in cloud storage, which allows cloud services to directly search over encrypted data. Most SSE schemes only work with honest-but-curious cloud services that do not deviate from the prescribed protocols. However, this assumption does not always hold…

  • Enabling Secure and Efficient Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Scheme

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    Enabling Secure and Efficient Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Scheme Abstract-With increasing popularity of cloud computing, the data owners outsource their sensitive data to cloud servers for flexibility and reduced cost in data management. To protect data privacy the sensitive data should be encrypted by the data owner before outsourcing which obsoletes data utilization like keyword-based document…

  • Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Health Things

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    Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Health Things Abstract-The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most promising technologies for the near future. Healthcare and well-being will receive great benefits with the evolution of this technology. This work presents a review of techniques based on IoT for healthcare and ambient assisted living, defined as…

  • Encryption-Free Framework of Privacy-Preserving Image Recognition for Photo-Based Information Services

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    Encryption-Free Framework of Privacy-Preserving Image Recognition for Photo-Based Information Services Abstract-Nowadays mobile devices such as smartphones have been widely used all over the world. In addition, the performance of image recognition has drastically increased with deep learning technologies. From these backgrounds, some photo-based information services provided in a client-server architecture are getting popular: client users…

  • Energy Efficiency Maximization in Mobile Wireless Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks

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    Energy Efficiency Maximization in Mobile Wireless Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks Abstract-In mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSNs), scavenging energy from ambient radio frequency (RF) signals is a promising solution to prolonging the lifetime of energy-constrained relay nodes. In this paper, we apply the Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT) technique to a MWSN where the…

  • Energy-balanced Unequal Layering Clustering in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

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    Energy-balanced Unequal Layering Clustering in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Abstract-Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) are used extensively in activities such as underwater data collection and water pollution detection. A UASN consists of acoustic sensors that use batteries as their power supply. Because of the complex underwater environments in which UASNs are employed, replacing these batteries…

  • Enhanced Active Power By Solar PV fed Cascaded H-bridge Converter

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    Enhanced Active Power balancing capability of Grid connected Solar PV fed Cascaded H-bridge Converter Abstract-Cascaded H-bridge converter is a promising solution for next generation large scale PV system having both active and reactive power exchange capacity. However, one challenge with this converter is unbalanced power generation among the clusters or cells due to variation in…

  • Enhancement of voltage profile by incorporation of SVC in power system networks by using optimal load flow method in MATLAB/Simulink environments

    0 out of 5

    Enhancement of voltage profile by incorporation of SVC in power system networks by using optimal load flow method in MATLAB/Simulink environments Abstract-Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) controllers could be a suitable alternative to provide reactive power support at the load centers locally and hence keep the voltages within their safe operating limits. Due to high…

  • ESRQ: An Efficient Secure Routing Method in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Q-Learning

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    ESRQ: An Efficient Secure Routing Method in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Q-Learning Abstract-Some trust-based methods have been proposed for consideration by guaranteeing the security routing of wireless sensor networks (WSN) recently. However, Most of the current research work usually consumes a lot of energy resources and computing resources or only performs well for specific…

  • Event Detection and Identification of Influential Spreaders in Social Media Data Streams

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    Event Detection and Identification of Influential Spreaders in Social Media Data Streams Abstract-Microblogging, a popular social media service platform, has become a new information channel for users to receive and exchange the most up-to-date information on current events. Consequently, it is a crucial platform for detecting newly emerging events and for identifying influential spreaders who…

  • Exam hall seat generation

    0 out of 5

    Exam hall seat generation Abstract-This System provides facility to conduct Examination hall and duties schedule for the colleges. It saves time as it allows number of students to give the exam at a time and displays the exam schedule as the test gets over, so no need to wait for the queue. It is automatically…

  • Face Recognition Project Using Regularized Adaptive Non-Local Sparse Coding

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    Efficient Face Recognition Using Regularized Adaptive Non-Local Sparse Coding Abstract-In the sparse representation-based classification (SRC), the object recognition procedure depends on local sparsity identification from sparse coding coefficients, where many existing SRC methods have focused on the local sparsity and the samples correlation to improve the classifier performance. However, the coefficients often do not accurately…

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