An 8T Low-Voltage and Low-Leakage Half-Selection Disturb-Free SRAM Using Bulk-CMOS and FinFETs Abstract? An 8T Low-Voltage and Low-Leakage Half-Selection Disturb-Free SRAM Using Bulk-CMOS and FinFETs. < Final Year Projects 2016 > we present a new 8T design for static random access memory (SRAM) cell that is based on traditional Si technology and reduces leakage power…
Fine-Grained Two-Factor Access Control for Web-Based Cloud Computing Services Abstract: Fine-Grained Two-Factor Access Control for Web-Based Cloud Computing Services. a new ?ne-grained two-factor authentication access control system for web-based cloud computing services. Specially, in our proposed 2FA access control system, an attribute-based access control mechanism is implemented with the necessity of both a user secret…