Showing 1–12 of 1447 results

  • 1 Stochastic Resource Provisioning for Container ized Multi-Tier Web Ser vices in Clouds

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    1 Stochastic Resource Provisioning for Container ized Multi-Tier Web Ser vices in Clouds Abstract-Under today?s bursty web traffic, the fine-grained per-container control promises more efficient resource provisioning for web services and better resource utilization in cloud datacenters. It optimizes resource provisioning for containerized n-tier web services in accordance with fluctuations of incoming workload to accommodate…

  • 1 Stochastic Resource Provisioning for Container ized Multi-Tier Web Ser vices in Clouds

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    Stochastic Resource Provisioning for Container ized Multi-Tier Web Ser vices in Clouds Abstract-Under today?s bursty web traffic, the fine-grained per-container control promises more efficient resource provisioning for web services and better resource utilization in cloud datacenters. In this paper, we present Two-stage Stochastic Programming Resource Allocator (2SPRA). It optimizes resource provisioning for containerized n-tier web…

  • 2.5 GB/s hybrid WDM/TDM PON using radio over ?ber technique

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    2.5 GB/s hybrid WDM/TDM PON using radio over ?ber technique Abstract? 2.5 GB/s hybrid WDM/TDM PON using radio over ?ber technique. Hybrid gigabit-passive optical network (GPON) is a hybrid passive optical network, where wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) GPON and time division multiplexing (TDM)-GPON are integrated into a single passive optical network, reducing cost and increasing…

  • Placeholder

    3-D Face Recognition Under Occlusion Using Masked Projection

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    3-D Face Recognition Under Occlusion Using Masked Projection Abstract?With advances in sensor technology, the three-dimensional (3-D) face has become an emerging biometric modality, preferred especially in high security applications. However, dealing with occlusions covering the facial surface is a great challenge, which should be handled to enable applicability to fully automatic security systems. In this…

  • 3D Brain Atlas Reconstruction Using Deformable Medical Image Registration: Application to Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery

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    3D Brain Atlas Reconstruction Using Deformable Medical Image Registration: Application to Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Abstract?In deep brain stimulation surgery the most important step is the correct location of the neurostimulator device. Here, the medical specialist needs to robustly locate the basal ganglia area (i.e. subthalamic nucleus) to implant the neurostimulator. 3D brain atlas reconstruction…

  • A Balanced-to-Unbalanced Microstrip Power Divider With Filtering Function

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    A Balanced-to-Unbalanced Microstrip Power Divider With Filtering Function Abstract? A balanced-to-unbalanced microstrip power divider based on branch lines with several stubs and one resistor is proposed. The functions of power dividing, frequency selectivity, isolation between output ports, and common-mode suppression can be realized at the same time. The even?odd-mode equivalent circuits combining with the standard…

  • A Bidirectional Three-level LLC Resonant Converter with PWAM Control

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    A Bidirectional Three-level LLC Resonant Converter with PWAM Control Abstract? A bidirectional three-level LLC resonant converter with a new pulse width and amplitude modulation < PWAM > control method. With different control signals, it has three different operation modes with different voltage gains. Therefore, it can achieve wide voltage gain range by switching among these…

  • A cascaded Couple Inductor- Reverse high step up converter integrating three-winding coupled inductor and diode-capacitor technique

    0 out of 5

    A cascaded Couple Inductor- Reverse high step up converter integrating three-winding coupled inductor and diode-capacitor technique Abstract-At the first place, introduces a cascaded high step up converter realized with a tightly coupled three-winding coupled inductor. Compared with existing high step up converters, the proposed converter features that the smaller the turns ratio is, the larger…

  • A Classroom Scheduling Service for Smart Classes

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    A Classroom Scheduling Service for Smart Classes Abstract-The main aim of this project is to make an android app to know the time table of the college for the student as well as staff. And also admin can easily allocate period as per the staffs availability. By introducing service-oriented architecture (SOA), SmartClass is able to…

  • Placeholder

    A Cloud Computing Based Telemedicine Service

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    A Cloud Computing Based Telemedicine Service Abstract?Health is the greatest possession?. Various techniques are drawn for the better treatment of health of society. As the technology is reaching its peak, it is emerging in medical treatments quickly and fruitfully giving birth to ?telemedicine? – invention of technology in medicine. Earlier slow and erroneous processes are…

  • Placeholder

    A Cloud-oriented Content Delivery Network Paradigm: Modeling and Assessment

    0 out of 5

    A Cloud-oriented Content Delivery Network Paradigm: Modeling and Assessment Abstract?A Cloud-oriented Content Delivery Network Paradigm: Modeling and Assessment. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video Tutorials Supporting Softwares [/numbers_sections] [numbers_sections number=”2″ title=”Our =Specialization=” last=”no”…

  • A Collaborative Approach for Monitoring Nodes Behavior during Spectrum Sensing to Mitigate Multiple Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks

    0 out of 5

    A Collaborative Approach for Monitoring Nodes Behavior during Spectrum Sensing to Mitigate Multiple Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks Abstract– In the first place, spectrum sensing is the first step to overcome the spectrum scarcity problem in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) wherein all unutilized subbands in the radio environment are explored for better spectrum utilization. Adversary…

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