Power Electronics Applications: The Power Electronics Applications are a type of study which is switching into the electronic circuits as well as controlling the flow of electrical energy. In addition, the technology is switching into its power supplies, power converts, motor drives, power inverts and also motor soft starters.
At the same time, it is astonishing into realizing that there is hardly are office blocks, home, car, sports, factory, hospitals or else theatre without an application of power electronic equipment.
List of Power Electronics Applications in industrial Sectors
It is the variable drives that control the speed of motors, that the Power Electronics Projects creates it possible to transport the electricity over the distances with its minimal losses. It can accomplish into the power electronics converters, which is transforming the alternating current (AC) into the high voltage direct current (HVDC) and also vice-versa.
- Commercial
- Aerospace
- Industrial
- Residential
- Telecommunication
- Transportation
- Utility Systems
- Space shuttle into the power supplies
- Satellite into the power supplies
- Aircraft power system
At the same time, the advertising, computer, air conditioning power supplies, elevators, office equipment, central refrigeration, light dimmer, uninterruptible. Both the satellite power supplies and also aerospace are Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) is a type of power supply. In addition, it is the power semiconductor switches which its located into the output and input supply lines. It is continuously turned on and off into its input power and which it converts into the input power required output power.
Important to realize, the industrial furnaces, pumps, blowers, compressors, transformer tap changers, textile mills, welding, rolling mills and so on.
The air conditioning, refrigerators, lighting, cooking, electric door openers, dryers, personal computers, fans, washing machines, food mixers and also vacuum cleaners.
Power supplies, battery chargers
In addition, the traction control of electric vehicles, battery changes, electric locomotives, subways, streetcars, automotive electronics and also trolleybuses.
Utility Systems
High voltage DC transmission, VAR compensation, excitation systems, static circuit breakers, supplementary energy systems in Network Security Future Trends. In order to, the development of the power electronic sectors, this power transmission and also distribution sectors may face so many changes like HVDC transmission, and also smart grid systems. In this conventional power transmission based on this AC power supply.
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